Gabriel Zucman is an assistant professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley. He obtained his PhD from the Paris School of Economics in 2013. Zucman studies the accumulation and distribution of global wealth, from both a public finance and international macro perspective.
Gabriel Zucman
Featuring this expert
Why Corporate-Led Globalization is Unsustainable
Globalization’s elite winners get lower taxes while its losers pay more
Inequality in the United States: A Darkening Horizon

Institute for New Economic Thinking-backed research into inequality explores how taxes and government policy have contributed to deepening economic inequality
Wealth & Inequality: Back to the Future

What fraction of total economic growth accrues to the top 10%, top 1%, etc.? How does growth per capita of the bottom 90% compare to overall growth? Zucman discusses his research and efforts to bring more hard data into the inequality dialogue.
The Panama Papers: A Tropical Tip of the Hidden Wealth Iceberg

When billionaires pay less, we all pay more.