Years granted:
2012, 2013
Greening Economic Growth: How can Environmental Regulation Enhance Innovation and Competitiveness?
This research project explores the relationship between environmental regulation, innovation, and competitiveness through a meta-analysis, which extracts key implications for economic thinking and future research, and unique datasets on patented “environmental” inventions.
Grantee paper
Poisoning the Well, or How Economic Theory Damages Moral Imagination
Oct 2012
Contemporary mainstream economics has widely “poisoned the well” from which people get their ideas about the relationship between economics and ethics.
Grantee paper
Are Women Really More Risk-Averse than Men?
Sep 2012
While a substantial literature in economics and finance has concluded that women are more risk averse than men, this conclusion merits reconsideration.
Grantee paper
Would Women Leaders Have Prevented the Global Financial Crisis? Implications for Teaching about Gender, Behavior, and Economics
Sep 2012
Would having more women in leadership have prevented the financial crisis?
Grantee paper
Is Dismissing the Precautionary Principle the Manly Thing to Do? Gender and the Economics of Climate Change
Sep 2012
Many public debates about climate change now focus on the economic “costs” of taking action.
Conference paper
Material intensity, productivity and economic growth
Apr 2012
Many models of economic growth exclude materials from the production function. Growing environmental pressures and resource prices suggest that this may be increasingly inappropriate.
Conference paper
Moving Towards Climate Justice: Overcoming Barriers to Change
Apr 2012
The present paradox, as ecological economist Bill Rees is fond of putting it, is simple yet profoundly troubling: “The ecologically necessary is politically infeasible, but the politically feasible is ecologically irrelevant.”
New Economics, Climate Change, and New Models of Growth
Apr 13, 2012 | 10:15—12:05
Evidence of climate change is widely accepted by scientists.
Conference paper
Towards an Ecological Macroeconomics
Apr 2012
Three major crises are confronting the world. The first is the increasing and uneven burden of humans on the biosphere, and the observation that we have already surpassed the ‘safe operating space’ for humanity with respect to three planetary boundaries: climate change, the nitrogen cycle and biodiversity loss.
Managing the Global Commons: Growth, Inequality, and New Thinking for Sustainable Economics
Apr 13, 2012 | 03:45—05:35
How can we distribute growth globally when the developed world needs growth to emerge from debt overhangs and inequality between nations is still quite formidable?
Paradigm Lost
PlenaryNew Economic Thinking 2012
Apr 12–15, 2012
The Institute joined the Centre for International Governance Innovation, and the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change in hosting its third-annual plenary conference in Berlin from April 12-15, 2012.
Welcome Remarks
Apr 11, 2012 | 07:00—07:25
Years granted:
Green Economic Macro-Model and Accounts (GEMMA)
This research project analyses the possibility of achieving economic and financial stability, high employment, and good social outcomes, in the presence of clearly defined resource and environmental limits, even if these mean some limits to economic growth.
Years granted:
Sustainable Finance Lab Research Program
This research project develops a comprehensive research agenda to formulate proposals that will help make the financial sector sustainable and facilitate a transition to sustainable economic development.
Years granted:
Expanding Ethical Thinking on the Economics of Climate Change
This research project explores the implications for the economics of gender stereotypes that consider self-interested economic behavior and risk-taking to be masculine and care and caution to be feminine.