Modeling Myths of Climate Change
Feb 10, 2020
How models treat innovation may be just as important as their assumptions about climate damages
Working Paper Series
Modeling Myths: On the Need for Dynamic Realism in DICE and other Equilibrium Models of Global Climate Mitigation
Feb 2020
We conclude that representing dynamic realism in such models is as important as – and far more empirically tractable than – continued debate about the monetization of climate damages and ‘social cost of carbon’.
Developing Asia Needs a New Economic Paradigm
Aug 13, 2019
Inadequate demand and climate change require a global green new deal
Are Economists Blocking Progress on Climate Change?
Jun 24, 2019
By promoting unrealisitc models, economists have become part of problem rather than the solution
The Right to Energy & Carbon Tax: A Game Changer in India
Jun 10, 2019
How free electricity could fight climate change and inequality
Joe Stiglitz: The Challenges Facing China
Mar 6, 2019
The Nobel laureate economist discusses how an activist government is needed to tackle problems like climate change
Science and Subterfuge in Economics
Feb 17, 2019
John Kenneth Galbraith noted in 1973 that establishment economics had become the “invaluable ally of those whose exercise of power depends on an acquiescent public.” If anything, economists’ embrace of that role has grown stronger since then.
Commission on Global Economic Transformation
Chaired by Nobel laureates Joseph Stiglitz and Michael Spence, INET has assembled a global team of leaders and scholars calling for new thinking & new rules for the world economy
Why “Green Growth” Is an Illusion
Dec 5, 2018
Wishful thinking and tinkering won’t cut it. Nothing short of a mass mobilization for deep de-carbonization across the global economy can avert the looming climate catastrophe.
A Reply to Michael Grubb’s Growth-Decarbonization Optimism from Semieniuk et al
Dec 5, 2018
Hope for mitigating climate catastrophe may not be lost, but the scale of political change needed is no cause for optimism
Conditional Optimism: Economic Perspectives on Deep Decarbonization
Dec 5, 2018
A response to economists who doubt our capacity to decarbonize while maintaining robust growth
A Reply to Michael Grubb’s Growth-Decarbonization Optimism from Schröder and Storm
Dec 5, 2018
Market tweaks and incentives won’t save us from climate catastrophe. Only radical policy change will.
The Inconvenient Truth about Climate Change and the Economy
Dec 5, 2018
The new IPCC Report is overly optimistic about global productivity growth and fossil fuel energy use. More dramatic, immediate action is needed
Working Paper Series
Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions: The Road to ‘Hothouse Earth’ is Paved with Good Intentions
Dec 2018
Wishful thinking and tinkering won’t cut it. Nothing short of a mass mobilization for deep de-carbonization across the global economy can avert the looming climate catastrophe.
How We Can Avoid Climate Catastrophe
Nov 21, 2018
A new report shows an economically viable path to net-zero CO2 emissions in key industries by 2060