Why Carbon Pricing and Electric Vehicles Won't Avert Climate Crisis
May 13, 2021
Lance Taylor’s New INET Paper
Carbon Pricing Isn’t Effective at Reducing CO2 Emissions
May 10, 2021
And electric vehicles don’t do a lot better
The New Climate War
Apr 22, 2021
Climate scientist Michael Mann discusses his new book, The New Climate War, in which he outlines the many ways in which powerful interests deflect, divide, and delay, to prevent real action that would avert the climate crisis
Meet the "New Koch Brothers" – the Hedge Fund Activists Wrecking America’s Green New Deal
Mar 4, 2021
Wealthy predators are playing stock market games with companies needed to develop and produce clean technology
To Fight Climate Change, Save Energy and Reduce Inequality
Feb 22, 2021
The IPCC was correct in emphasizing the need for early mitigation, but their analysis of possible growth trajectories appears to be faulty.
Changing the Conversation on the Climate Emergency
Feb 22, 2021
David Fenton, the founder of the progressive PR firm Fenton Communications, takes a close look at what needs to be done to improve how we talk about the climate emergency so that everyone listens and acts accordingly
Seth Klein: How WWII Preparation Sets an Example for Confronting Climate Change
Dec 23, 2020
Public policy researcher and writer Seth Klein discusses his new book, A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency, which looks at the example that the mobilization for World War II sets in terms of mobilizing society and resources for coping with an emergency.
The Promise and Limits of Carbon Pricing
Nov 24, 2020
Carbon pricing still has the potential to be a powerful tool contributing to emissions reductions, but it is clearly no panacea.
Working Paper Series
Carbon Pricing and the Elasticity of CO2 Emissions
Nov 2020
Carbon pricing still has the potential to be a powerful tool contributing to emissions reductions, but it is clearly no panacea.
Climate Risk and Response in a Post-Pandemic World
Webinarwith Dr. Jonathan Woetzel and Dr. Mekala Krishnan
Aug 13, 2020
Global carbon emissions could fall by an estimated 5.5% in 2020 as a result of declining industrial production in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. But if the change is not systemic these effects may be fleeting, and the changing climate could put hundreds of millions of lives, trillions of dollars of economic activity, and the world’s physical and natural capital at risk.
Extreme Climate Change in a Post-COVID 19 World
Webinarwith Geoff Mann | 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT
Apr 29, 2020
Please join us for a discussion with Geoff Mann, INET Senior Fellow and author of Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future, on how the coronavirus pandemic might (or might not) teach us to prepare for a life on an increasingly hot planet.
Why We Need Solidarity Economics
Apr 22, 2020
Economists have gone to great lengths to write humans out of economics, pushing self-interest and generally providing two choices—faith in markets or the state.
The EU’s Green Deal: Bismarck’s ‘What Is Possible’ versus Thunberg’s ‘What Is Imperative’ in the Age of Covid-19
Apr 1, 2020
What ails the EU Green Deal is exactly what troubles the Union in general — an absence of social democracy at work
Working Paper Series
The EU’s Green Deal: Bismarck’s ‘What Is Possible’ Versus Thunberg’s ‘What Is Imperative’
Apr 2020
This paper considers the ambition, scale, substance and strategy of the European Union’s Green Deal
Freedom from Fossil Fuels is Good for Your Health
Feb 20, 2020
Freeing ourselves from reliance on fossil fuels is not only good for the planet and future generations. It also saves lives here and now, not just in the far future.