Mazzucato and Kaletsky Debate U.K. Mortgage Plan on BBC
Nov 27, 2013
The Bank of England took the first step in putting the brakes on the surging property market as it scrapped the United Kingdom’s flagship initiative that encourages mortgage lending, introduced earlier this year by Treasury minster George Osborne.
[PART 1] U.S. Current Account Deficits and German Surpluses: The Role of Income Distribution in Global Imbalances
Nov 25, 2013
Germany’s economic policies are under attack from all sides.
Too Much Debt: Adair Turner on the Dangers of Excessive Sector Leverage
Nov 7, 2013
Adair Lord Turner, former Chairman of Great Britain’s Financial Services Authority and current Senior Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, argued in a keynote address to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on Thursday that central banks must be equipped in future to address the dangers of excessive private sector leverage, using both pre-emptive interest rate policy and macro-prudential policy tools.
Economic Policy Must Address Excessive Private Sector Leverage
Nov 6, 2013
Adair Lord Turner, former Chairman of Great Britain’s Financial Services Authority and current Senior Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, will argue in a keynote address to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on Thursday that central banks must be equipped in future to address the dangers of excessive private sector leverage, using both pre-emptive interest rate policy and macro-prudential policy tools.
Finance and the Death of Trust
Oct 27, 2013
The destruction of trust is not an accident.
Mathematics for New Economic Thinking
WorkshopOct 26–19, 2013
This workshop has the dual aim to expose mathematicians to new research problems in economics and economists to new techniques and developments in mathematics.
Cyprus Fiasco Could Undermine the Euro Zone
Oct 25, 2013
The rescue of Cyprus was a microcosm of how the nations of Europe have failed to work together to adequately address their ongoing financial crises.
We Can Do Better
Oct 24, 2013
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, distrust in the financial sector was widespread. Even after the mess appeared to be cleaned up, the uncertainty over whether the worst was over remained real.
Trust and Finance
Oct 24, 2013
Finance is built on trust. It is based on promises about tomorrow, often paper promises backed by nothing other than words on a page. When trust in those promises breaks down, so too does the financial system. That is the lesson of thousands of years of history.
The World Needs Eurobonds Now More Than Ever
Oct 23, 2013
The United States government openly flirting with a default on its debt is, to the financial system, like a Pope wondering out loud about the existence of God.
America’s Debt-Ceiling Debacle
Oct 22, 2013
When Greece’s sovereign-debt crisis threatened the euro’s survival, U.S. officials called their European counterparts to express bewilderment at their inability to resolve the issue.
Sovereigns versus banks: Crises, causes and consequences
Oct 18, 2013
In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, few would dispute the risks of excessive borrowing. But which debts should one worry about – public or private? This column presents new research on the interplay of public and private debts since 1870 in 17 advanced economies. History demonstrates that excessive private-sector borrowing plays a greater role than fiscal profligacy in generating financial instability. However, when the credit boom collapses, the government’s capacity to alleviate the downturn is limited by the prevailing level of public debt.
Reinhart and Rogoff Respond to Criticism
Oct 16, 2013
Advisory Board members Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff today issued a response to recent criticism of their paper “Growth in a Time of Debt.”
What You Can Do to Protect Yourself Against a Totally Unnecessary U.S. Government Default
Oct 14, 2013
If Congress and the White House fail to raise the debt ceiling this week and the United States defaults on its debt, what can we expect and how can we protect ourselves against these events?
What is Economic Success?
Oct 11, 2013
“You are now leaving the world as you know it.”