Conference paper
Monetary and Financial Stability: Lessons from the Crisis and from classic economics texts
Apr 2013
My remarks today will be focused primarily on features of the developed world’s financial system which led to the crisis of 2008 and to the Great Recession that followed, from which we are only slowly and painfully emerging.
Conference paper
Comments by William White on the Presentation by Lord Adair Turner
Apr 2013
In his recent lecture at the Cass Business School, Lord Turner noted that even mentioning the possibility of overt monetary financing was akin to breaking a taboo.
Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Stability: Lessons of the Historical Experience with Fiat Money and the Implications for the Future
Apr 3, 2013 | 11:30—12:30
Grantee paper
The Inevitability of Shadowy Banking
Mar 2013
Shadowy banking is safety-net arbitrage. It employs substitutes for products and activities performed within the traditional banking sector.
As Goes Cyprus, So Goes the European Union
Mar 31, 2013
All of a sudden, tiny Cyprus is making headlines. How could such a small country, with an economy approximately the size of the State of Maranhao, create such big problems?
Meeting New Challenges in China
Mar 27, 2013
Further system reforms will enable China to overcome middle-income trap and push forward social progress
The Consequences of a Leaderless Economy
Mar 26, 2013
What happens when there’s no leader in the global economy?
Russia to the Rescue of Cyprus?
Mar 20, 2013
There is a certain rich irony attached to the sight of corrupt Russian oligarchs now posing as liberal champions of the rule of law as they find themselves sucked into the maelstrom of Cyprus’s ongoing financial crisis.
Grantee paper
Aggregate Demand, Instability, and Growth
Feb 2013
This paper considers a puzzle in growth theory from a Keynesian perspective.
Journal article
Financialization and U.S. Income Inequality, 1970–2008
Feb 2013
How the Economic Quacks Promoting Austerity Will Increase the Deficit
Feb 28, 2013
Why all of the fuss about a nonexistent emergency?
How Do We Get Out of This Mess?
Feb 5, 2013
That’s the question that Adair Turner, Chair of the UK Financial Services Authority, was addressing in his lecture to Cass Business School this week.
Fixing finance: The missing piece in banking reform
Jan 10, 2013
Eric Beinhocker and Tony Dolphin argue that lasting reform to the financial sector will not be achieved without tackling the price rigging and anti-competitive behaviour that is rife in the industry.
Azim Premji Winter School 2013
WorkshopJan 6–17, 2013
The Azim Premji University-Institute for Economic Thinking Advanced Graduate Workshop in Poverty, Development and Globalization is interested in identifying the complex global interactions that influence poverty and development as well as the development strategies that have proven successful in promoting equitable growth, promoting capabilities, and reducing poverty.
Years granted:
2011, 2012, 2013
Model Complexity and Prediction Error in Macroeconomic Forecasting
This research project extends proven techniques in statistical learning theory so that they cover the kind of models and data of most interest to macroeconomic forecasting.