Government & Politics
Fiscal Union, Social Europe: Synergies and Tensions
WorkshopApr 13–14, 2017
The YSI Political Economy of Europe Working Group invites young scholars to partake in a Research Seminar aiming to investigate the interplay between fiscal policy in the European Union and domestic social policies of its member states.
Making Innovation Work for China and other Developing Countries
Apr 12, 2017
Along the entire “innovation chain” — from research and development, to production and commercialization — government and private sectors have very different roles to play.
The Outskirts of Hope: Poverty in America
Apr 4, 2017
The “War on Poverty,” and the impact of public policy
Hungary Is Facing Dangerous Amendments to Its Education Law
Apr 3, 2017
The Institute for New Economic Thinking, a global network of distinguished economists, is deeply concerned by the news of proposed legislation in Hungary’s National Assembly that would prevent the free functioning of the Central European University.
The paradoxes of fiscal austerity in Brazil
Mar 30, 2017
Brazil’s current economic scenario does not resemble the emerging economy that until recently fueled the optimism of analysts and investors.
A Public Comment on the SEC Pay Ratio Disclosure Rule
Mar 29, 2017
In this comment, we explain our objections to the SEC’s current formulation of the Pay Ratio Disclosure Rule on each of three grounds: the erroneous estimation of CEO pay; the unclear specification of the “median” worker; and the risk of normalizing a pay ratio that is far too high. Then we present the latest data on the remuneration of the 500 highest-paid CEOs in the United States, demonstrating the way in which the SEC’s measure of CEO pay that enters into the CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio tends to systematically underestimate actual executive pay.
Mortality Crisis Redux: The Economics of Despair
Mar 27, 2017
The health crisis afflicting working-class Americans recalls similar symptoms in Russia following the collapse of communism
Geo-economic Trends and the State of Economies in the Middle East: An Israeli Perspective
Mar 27, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion with Shahar Shelef, Director of The Economic and Strategic Affairs Department, Center for Policy Research at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Women Foot the Bill for Economic Growth, Parity Requires Social Investment
Mar 22, 2017
Pursuing equality while growing the economy requires reframing social spending as a form of investment.
Dismantling Public Education: Turning Ideology into Gold
Mar 1, 2017
Policies based on faith in the “market” as a principle of social organization have wrought havoc with a founding principle of American democracy
China's Wage Growth: How Fast Is the Gain and What Does It Mean?
Feb 28, 2017
New findings show that hourly wage-rates in China are higher than in middle-income countries and are approaching the levels of Greece and Portugal
Can “It” Happen Again? Defining the Battlefield for a Theoretical Revolution in Economics
Feb 27, 2017
As part of our “Experts on Trial Series”, Antonella Palumbo argues for stripping away ‘scientific’ shibboleths that mask social and political choices
China’s Weapons of Trade War
Feb 25, 2017
A trade war would undoubtedly hurt both sides. But there is reason to believe that the US has more to lose. If nothing else, the Chinese seem to know precisely which weapons they have available to them. China could stop purchasing US aircraft, impose an embargo.
INET Guide to the 2017 EEA Meeting
ConferenceFeb 23–26, 2017
A reference guide to all Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) community presentations at the Eastern Economic Association’s (EEA) 2017 annual meeting
Race Has a Regional Dimension in America’s Political Economy
Feb 20, 2017
Stanford economic historian Professor Gavin Wright, addressing the Institute’s conference on the economics of race, argues that the conditions facing the children of the great migration from the South are very different to the conditions for the children of those who stayed behind.