Government & Politics
Trump’s Win is a Warning: Europe Urgently Needs a New Deal
Nov 30, 2016
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s policies allowed the United States to avoid the perils of right-wing populism that plunged Europe into war in the 1930s — Europe should learn from his example
Bracing for Trumponomics
Nov 29, 2016
What we’re reading: Some analysts expect dramatic changes and a short-term boost to the US economy, others predict continuity — and see Trump’s election reflecting a sea change in the global order
India: Demonetization and its Discontents
Nov 28, 2016
By suddenly eliminating two widely used bank notes, India’s government risks undermining public confidence in the basic means of exchange
Trump Election and the Future of U.S. Global Leadership
Nov 28, 2016
Surviving the geopolitical and economic challenges of the coming years requires a world order less vulnerable to the vagaries of U.S. elections
Trumpism Has Dealt a Mortal Blow to Orthodox Economics and ‘Social Science’
Nov 23, 2016
How orthodox economics paved the way for the political shocks of 2016
Economists and Trump: Straight Talk on Trade
Nov 20, 2016
By suppressing important questions in favor of being cheerleaders for globalization, economists failed to influence the public conversation
Why is Economics Still Largely a White Male Preserve?
Nov 17, 2016
How economics underperforms in diversity, and some potential remedies
Trade Liberalization After the U.S. Election
Nov 16, 2016
The TPP is dead, as is the assumption that future free-trade agreements can be negotiated by experts alone
Why Economic Recovery Requires Rethinking Capitalism
Nov 15, 2016
Mission-oriented public investment is vital to spur a revival of private-sector investment
Lazonick links stock buybacks to America’s jobs challenge
Nov 4, 2016
In an Al Jazeera documentary “In Search of the Great American Job”, Institute scholar William Lazonick offers some arch insights into the relationship between financialization — particularly the “shareholder value” ideology in corporations, which drives the transfer of profits to shareholders through stock buybacks — and job creation and inequality.
The World Economy’s Growing Debt Burden
Nov 2, 2016 | 04:00—05:30
A conversation with Richard Vague, Managing Partner at Gabriel Investments and Chairman of the Governor’s Woods Foundation.
Working Paper Series
The EuroZone “Debt” Crisis: Another “Center” – “Periphery” Crisis Under Financial Globalization?
Nov 2016
This paper analyzes the Euro crisis in light of the experience of center-periphery relations over the last 40 years of renewed financial globalization.
Inequality As Policy: Selective Trade Protectionism Favors Higher Earners
Oct 27, 2016
Offshoring manufacturing may have hurt many working people in America, but professionals and intellectual property have been robustly protected
Yellen Challenges Economists Amid Elusive Great Recovery
Oct 24, 2016
Like the Great Depression and the stagflation of the ’70s, the anemic growth of the U.S. economy can’t be understood or remedied without changes in economists’ thinking
Clinton Likely to Win, But Struggle in 2020 Unless She Changes Course
Oct 20, 2016
Institute for New Economic Thinking President Robert Johnson, in an appearance of the CNN International show Quest Means Business, warns that the anger of Trump’s supporters is unlikely to ebb absent significant economic and political changes — and that this anger could be more successfully marshaled by a more skilled and sophisticated Republican challenger four years from now.