Government & Politics
Working Paper Series
The Personal Wealth Interests of Politicians and the Stabilization of Financial Markets
Oct 2016
We examine whether personal wealth interests affect politicians’ decisions about stabilizing financial markets.
Piecing Together a Paradigm
YSI Plenary
ConferenceOct 19–22, 2016
New approaches are being developed, but efforts are fragmented and need to be brought together if we hope to piece together a paradigm.
Here’s What Economists Don’t Understand About Race
Oct 18, 2016
William Darity, Jr. has a new key to unlocking the mystery of inequality: stratification economics.
Unemployment Insurance Extension During Great Recession Did Not Destroy Jobs
Oct 13, 2016
Social safety nets don’t always need to come with a dark side
Investigating ‘Secular Stagnation’
Oct 13, 2016
Institute for New Economic Thinking launches a far-reaching research effort into causes and potential remedies for the low-to-no-growth malaise afflicting many of the world’s leading economies
New Nationalist Challenges to Globalization: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
Oct 13, 2016 | 06:00—07:30
A conversation with Robert Johnson, President of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, former Managing Director for Soros Fund Management and former Chief Economist of the US Senate Banking Committee.
The Dangers of Financialization
Oct 10, 2016
The financial system no longer funds new ideas and projects — only about 15 percent of the money coming out of financial institutions goes into business investment; the rest is spent buying and selling existing financial instruments.
Getting to Grips with the Trump Phenomenon
Oct 5, 2016
The media has failed ask basic questions about the economic thinking — and business record — of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, says Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston, author of The Making of Donald Trump.
The “Natural” Interest Rate and Secular Stagnation: Loanable Funds Macro Models Don’t Fit the Data
Oct 2016
The main point of this paper is that loanable funds macroeconomic models with their “natural” interest rate don’t fit with modern institutions and data. Before getting into the numbers, it makes sense to describe the models and how to think about macroeconomics in the first place.
Johnson: The Fed is losing its aura of expertise
Sep 30, 2016
Past failures, present uncertainty, and a challenging political environment have vastly complicated the central bank’s task, says Institute President Rob Johnson
The Nobel Prize in Economics: Time for a Return to Social Democracy
Sep 26, 2016
An award created as a concession to market-minded bankers needs to recognize the centrality of social-democratic policies to the wellbeing of industrialized economies
How economic policy drives European (dis)integration
Sep 22, 2016
The Eurozone is (quietly) disintegrating as ‘core’ and ‘periphery’ countries continue on paths of economic divergence. That disintegration is reinforced by self-defeating policies shaped by a macroeconomic model that mimics and reinforces the divisions between ‘winners’ and ‘losers’
The Outlook for the Global Economy
Sep 22, 2016 | 06:00—07:30
An exclusive conversation with Richard Batley, Head of Macroeconomics at Lombard Street Research.
The Private Debt Crisis
Sep 21, 2016
China is drowning in it. The whole world has too much of it. History suggests: This won’t end well.
Why Corporate CEO Pay is Routinely Undercounted
Sep 15, 2016
An Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper by William Lazonick and Matt Hopkins reveals that much reporting on executive pay relies on systems of measurement that underreport real compensation