Government & Politics
6 Economic Experts Reveal the Truth About the Inflation Reduction Act
Aug 30, 2022
Is it good for your wallet? A climate bill in disguise? Landmark action or nothingburger? Economic experts assess the Democrats’ legislative victory for the Institute for New Economic Thinking.
5th Annual UNCTAD-YSI Summer School
Challenges and Opportunities of a New International Economic Order
WorkshopAug 1–6, 2022
The 5th UNCTAD YSI Summer School provides an opportunity to explore the Challenges and Opportunities of a New International Economic Order. The school will bring together UNCTAD experts, academics, diplomats, and young scholars from across the globe for lively and stimulating intellectual debates.
Trading Fear for Hope
Jul 21, 2022
Frank McCourt discusses his work to reinspire hope in the American experiment, and to build the framework necessary for that better tomorrow.
What Happens when Big Brother Meets Big Tech
Jul 13, 2022
Author and law professor Maurice Stucke warns that as fundamental privacy rights vanish, your personal data can and will be used against you.
The World Trade Organization After the 12th Ministerial Conference
Jun 22, 2022
New mandates must beget new organizing
Gun Money Predicts Congressional Voting Better Than Party Alone
Jun 15, 2022
An analysis of gun lobby contributions to Republicans and Democrats
Why What’s Going on Right Now at the WTO Matters
Jun 10, 2022
Besides the crucial COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver, far more is at stake at this ministerial than is generally known.
Giant Tech Firms Plan to Read Your Mind and Control Your Emotions. Can They Be Stopped?
May 31, 2022
Author and law professor Maurice Stucke explains why the practices of Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple are so dangerous and what’s really required to rein them in. Hint: Current proposals are unlikely to work.
The Ukraine War and the Madness of Militarism
Apr 28, 2022
Author and peace activist Norman Solomon talks about the double standards in US foreign policy that have smoothed the path for Russia’s inexcusable invasion of Ukraine. The role of the military-industrial-complex in the US is one of the main reasons we lack a single standard for the use of military force and human rights, says Solomon.
China vs. West: New World Disorder
Apr 21, 2022
The Toronto Star journalist Joanna Chiu discusses her book, China Unbound: A New World Disorder, which argues that we need to go beyond the typical over-simplifications of democratic West versus autocratic China if we hope to engage China in a way that seriously addresses issues such as human rights, climate change, and economic development.
Data Competition Won’t Protect Your Privacy
Apr 13, 2022
Regulators propose democratizing data and encouraging competition to reign in Big Tech. But such moves won’t go far enough in protecting user privacy. New: A reply to critics
Event Video: MLK 55 Years Later: Can The Church Study War No More?
Apr 4, 2022
On April 4th, 1967, at a time when the justness and necessity of the Vietnam War was broadly accepted, Dr. King issued a stirring rebuke of the U.S. establishment. He was criticized heavily for challenging US foreign policy; he was told to stick to civil rights.
The US Doesn't Pursue Foreign Policy, Only Security Policy
Mar 10, 2022
Patrick Lawrence, writer and executive editor of The Scrum, analyzes the roots of US foreign policy failures, how these are reflected in the current confrontation with Russia, which can be found the US establishment’s weddedness to power and to an unwillingness to see the other’s perspective.
Vikasarth 2022 Session 1: Kerala’s Response to the Economic Reforms
Webinar6:00pm - 7:30pm IST
Mar 10, 2022
Thirty Years of Indian Economic Reforms: Assessing the Growth and Development of Kerala
Where Did You Go, Vice President Joe?
Mar 4, 2022
President Biden’s first SOTU Address was a missed opportunity to say what he knows to be true: Stock buybacks manipulate the market and leave most Americans worse off