Government & Politics
The Impact of Campaign Finance on Congressional Voting: A Machine Learning Approach
Mar 3, 2022
Legislators who vote together get paid together
Working Paper Series
Measuring the Impact of Campaign Finance on Congressional Voting: A Machine Learning Approach
Mar 2022
Using aggregate campaign finance data as well as a Transformer based text embedding model we can predict roll call votes for legislation in the US Congress with more than 90% accuracy.
Resource Limits to American Capitalism & The Predator State Today
Feb 10, 2022
On Finding Repair and Relief from the Commodification of Social Design
Feb 3, 2022
Terrence McNally, the host of the podcast Free Forum: A World that just Might Work, interviews Rob about the current state of the world and what needs to happen for us to get out of the mess in which we find ourselves.
Fateful Collision: NATO’s Drive to the East Versus Russia’s Sphere of Influence
Jan 7, 2022
How did this dire situation come about?
Law, Economics & Policy Conference (LEPC) 4.3 -The Path for India's Climate Transition
Conference6:00-7:30pm IST | 12:30-2:00pm GMT | 7:30-9:00am EST
Dec 10, 2021
The 4th Law, Economics & Policy Conference (LEPC) is a virtual, multi-capsule conference series that aims to bring together legal, economic and public policy thinkers to consider a variety of real world issues in India in a holistic manner.
2020’s Knife Edge Election: An Analysis
Nov 16, 2021
Covid and BLM protests were key to Biden’s victory
Working Paper Series
The Knife Edge Election of 2020: American Politics Between Washington, Kabul, and Weimar
Nov 2021
Covid and BLM protests were key to Biden’s victory
The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism
Nov 5, 2021
Economic journalist Martin Wolf’s address to the Center on Capitalism and Society at Columbia University’s 20th anniversary conference, Economic Policy and Economic Theory for the Future
Great Powers and One Planet: Faultline, Key Issues, and Common Challenges
Oct 12, 2021 | 09:00—10:00
From climate change to global public health, from inclusive development and sustainable growth, areas for cooperation abound between the US and China in a world hungry for directions and leadership. If, as Martin Luther King says, we may arrive in different ships, but we are in same boat”, how might the US and China work together on these issues?
Beyond Thucydides's Trap: In Search of Alternative Public Discourse
Oct 12, 2021 | 10:05—11:00
Faced with increasing media polarization on different areas of technological, military and trade conflicts, can China and US manage the relationship and/or media relationship so that they avoid falling into the Thucydides’s Trap?
Towards A Constructive Path Forward
Oct 12, 2021 | 11:00—12:00
In spite of their differences and divergent interests, how can the two nations manage a bilateral relationship with far-reaching global implications towards peaceful coexistence forward?
INET Live | Summit on Climate and U.S. China Relations
ConferenceOct 12, 2021
The pandemic has caused havoc to the world’s health and economy, worsening inequality and disparities already disrupted by geopolitical rivalry, climate change, financialization and technology. Health, wealth and self are entangled in anger over rising inequality and temperatures.
Why Aren’t Libertarians Protesting the Freedom-Busting Texas Abortion Law?
Sep 8, 2021
On deregulation and Covid masks, libertarians are loud. On female liberty, deafening silence.
Why Did the Taliban Take Over Afghanistan So Fast?
Aug 18, 2021
The Taliban was strategic in its use of violence, exercising restraint to influence military assessments of their capabilities in order to encourage more rapid withdrawals.