Private Equity Buyouts in Healthcare: Who Wins, Who Loses?
Mar 25, 2020
As we face a coronavirus-induced health and economic crisis of uncertain duration, policy makers should be particularly concerned about private equity’s heightened use of debt to buy out healthcare providers and take them private, with no regulatory oversight.
Working Paper Series
Private Equity Buyouts in Healthcare: Who Wins, Who Loses?
Mar 2020
Private equity firms have become major players in the healthcare industry. How has this happened and what are the results?
Taxpayer Investment Leads New Drug Discoveries
Mar 2020
New research points to critical role of public funding in drug discoveries and development for the last decade
Hidden Costs Of Healthcare
ConferenceNov 15, 2019
Increased financialization is driving healthcare costs and must be addressed in our nation’s public policy.
Private Equity and Surprise Medical Billing
Sep 4, 2019
How Investor-owned Physician Practices Are Driving up Healthcare Costs
Place-Based Economic Conditions and the Geography of the Opioid Overdose Crisis
Jun 20, 2019
There is not one opioid crisis in America—there are many. And supply-focused measures won’t stop them.
Why We Should Decriminalize Sex Work
Mar 27, 2019
Stigmatizing and relegating an activity to the shadows doesn’t improve anyone’s welfare
Opioid Crisis Shows How Economic Inequality Kills
Feb 20, 2019
Pharmaceutical pushers like Purdue “couldn’t have done their dirty work” without America’s increasingly unbalanced economy
Working Paper Series
The Contributions of Socioeconomic and Opioid Supply Factors to Geographic Variation in U.S. Drug Mortality Rates
Feb 2019
Economic distress in rural areas and opioid exposure in cities are key indicators of overdose deaths
The Limits of the “Rational Economic Man”
Nov 30, 2018
Greg Mankiw says there should be a market for kidneys, but not for paying drug addicts to get sterilized.
How Cuba Became a Biopharma Juggernaut
Mar 5, 2018
Cuba’s entirely state-owned biopharmaceutical industry has been remarkably successful, and can serve as a model for other nations
How Despair Helped Drive Trump to Victory
Nov 16, 2017
From the Rust Belt to Rural America, Economic and Social Distress Helped Shape the 2016 US Presidential Election Outcome
Conference paper
Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Development
Oct 2017
A better set of approaches for the 21st century.
Nobel Laureates to Co-Chair Independent Commission on Global Economy
Oct 22, 2017
Joseph Stiglitz, Michael Spence and a global team of leading thinkers are calling for new thinking & new rules for the world economy
“Worse Than Big Tobacco”: How Big Pharma Fuels the Opioid Epidemic
Oct 10, 2017
Once again, an out-of-control industry is threatening public health on a mammoth scale