Inequality & Distribution
Lazonick links stock buybacks to America’s jobs challenge
Nov 4, 2016
In an Al Jazeera documentary “In Search of the Great American Job”, Institute scholar William Lazonick offers some arch insights into the relationship between financialization — particularly the “shareholder value” ideology in corporations, which drives the transfer of profits to shareholders through stock buybacks — and job creation and inequality.
‘Stratification’ Theory Tackles the Racial Blindspots of Orthodox Economics
Nov 2, 2016
Economist Darrick Hamilton and Institute President Rob Johnson discuss “stratification economics”, which addresses the failure of orthodox economics to see, explain and point to remedies for persistent racial inequality.
The World Economy’s Growing Debt Burden
Nov 2, 2016 | 04:00—05:30
A conversation with Richard Vague, Managing Partner at Gabriel Investments and Chairman of the Governor’s Woods Foundation.
Like Abusive Policing, Denial of Access to Mortgage Credit for Black Americans is a Growing Crisis
Oct 31, 2016
Black Americans remain second-class citizens in access to housing finance
Cook: Race-blind economics distorts data
Oct 27, 2016
Scholar sees Institute for New Economic Thinking conference as an important opportunity to discuss issues of race and economics, and of Detroit’s past and future
Inequality As Policy: Selective Trade Protectionism Favors Higher Earners
Oct 27, 2016
Offshoring manufacturing may have hurt many working people in America, but professionals and intellectual property have been robustly protected
Working Paper Series
The Personal Wealth Interests of Politicians and the Stabilization of Financial Markets
Oct 2016
We examine whether personal wealth interests affect politicians’ decisions about stabilizing financial markets.
Piecing Together a Paradigm
YSI Plenary
ConferenceOct 19–22, 2016
New approaches are being developed, but efforts are fragmented and need to be brought together if we hope to piece together a paradigm.
Here’s What Economists Don’t Understand About Race
Oct 18, 2016
William Darity, Jr. has a new key to unlocking the mystery of inequality: stratification economics.
Unemployment Insurance Extension During Great Recession Did Not Destroy Jobs
Oct 13, 2016
Social safety nets don’t always need to come with a dark side
New Nationalist Challenges to Globalization: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
Oct 13, 2016 | 06:00—07:30
A conversation with Robert Johnson, President of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, former Managing Director for Soros Fund Management and former Chief Economist of the US Senate Banking Committee.
James Boyce Wins 2016 Leontief Award for Work on Environmental Inequality
Oct 11, 2016
Institute grantee Boyce cited for integrating ‘ecological, developmental and justice-oriented approaches’ into economics
Three Things to Know to Hold Wells Fargo Accountable
Oct 11, 2016
Justice requires that the media, policy makers, and the public understand why corporations engage in misconduct and fraud
Are Our Earnings Really Our 'Just Deserts'?
Oct 5, 2016
A new paper by Nancy Folbre offers an evidence-based refutation of ‘just-world’ assumptions
Class Divide: Same Street, Different Destinations
Oct 3, 2016
Marc Levin highlights the recent effects of hyper-gentrification in New York City’s West Chelsea, focusing on an intersection where an elite private school sits directly across the street from public housing projects.