Inequality & Distribution
Years granted:
2014, 2015, 2016
Rising Inequality as a Structural Cause of the Financial and Economic Crisis
This research project investigates whether rising inequality has contributed to the macroeconomic imbalances that erupted in the present crisis, based on a Kaleckian macroeconomic model.
The Sneaky Way Austerity Got Sold to the Public Like Snake Oil
Dec 22, 2015
A budget approach cloaked in the aura of science and technical jargon became a tool of manipulation.
The Scientific Limits of Understanding Complex Social Phenomena
Dec 17, 2015
Since Aristotle the question about the potential relationship between economic inequality and democratic changes has been studied and debated – but scientifically our ability as researchers to assess and understand how such complex social phenomena may be related is much more limited than recognised.
How Economics and Race Drive America’s Great Divide
Dec 10, 2015
Can education stop the country’s backward slide?
Working Paper Series
Veiled Repression: Mainstream Economics, Capital Theory, and the Distributions of Income and Wealth
Dec 2015
The Cambridge UK vs USA capital theory debates of the 1960s showed that the workhorse mainstream growth model relies on unsustainable assumptions. Its standard interpretation is not consistent with the last four decades of data.
Do Economists Understand the Economy?
Dec 1, 2015
Lance Taylor explains how missing the big picture is too common in the field.
The American Dual Economy: Race, Globalization and the Politics of Exclusion
Nov 30, 2015
The United States economy has come apart, with the rich getting richer and workers’ incomes not advancing at all.
Inclusive Growth: Making It Happen
Nov 20, 2015
Exploring inequality, gender, and the North-South divide.
Externalities and Public Goods: Theory OR Society?
Nov 19, 2015
How much does the standard theory of externalities and public goods really say?
Working Paper Series
The American Dual Economy: Race, Globalization, and the Politics of Exclusion
Nov 2015
I describe the American economy in the twenty-first century as a dual economy in the spirit of W. Arthur Lewis.
The Global Haves And Have-Nots In The 21st Century
Nov 15, 2015
This is almost certainly the highest level of relative, and certainly absolute, global inequality at any point in human history. Is there anything we can do to reverse or mitigate this trend?
Working Paper Series
Inequality, Debt Servicing, and the Sustainability of Steady State Growth
Nov 2015
We investigate the claim that the way in which debtor households service their debts matters for macroeconomic performance.
To Fix Inequality and Steady the Economy, Think Radically
Nov 12, 2015
Sometimes a radical path is the most practical way out of a mess.
Understanding Inequality and What to Do About It
Hosted by Human Capital and Economic Opportunity
Nov 5, 2015
A panel featuring Thomas Piketty, Kevin Murphy, and Steven Durlauf
The Institute and Income Distribution at GES 2015
Oct 15, 2015
The Institute recently sponsored several panels at the Kiel Global Economic Symposium. In particular, the panel on Income Distribution and Mobility struck us as likely to be of especially wide interest. We are grateful for the participation of all the scholars on them and are pleased to present summaries of their presentations here.