Inequality & Distribution
What Really Caused the Crisis & What to Do About It
Oct 14, 2015
Adair Turner discusses his new book, Between Debt and the Devil: Money, Credit, and Fixing Global Finance.
Big Finance, Demystified
Oct 8, 2015
John Kay shares findings from his new book, Other People’s Money, and his insights on changing the financial sector.
Is the Devil in the Details? Estimating Global Poverty
Oct 3, 2015
Economists’ assumptions, even about seemingly “small” matters, make an enormous difference to global poverty estimates but their impact often goes unnoticed, and the choices made have been badly justified. We must stop pretending that the World Bank’s “$1 per day” estimates are at all reliable.
Working paper
Networks and Misallocation: Insurance, Migration, and the Rural-Urban Wage Gap
Sep 2015
We provide an explanation for the large spatial wage disparities and low male migration in India based on the trade-off between consumption-smoothing, provided by caste-based rural insurance networks, and the income-gains from migration.
Creating Flourishing Lives: The Dynamics of Capability Formation
Sep 16, 2015
Professor Heckman was invited to speak at the HDCA 2015 Conference as the keynote speaker for the Amartya Sen Lecture. The presentation offered recent research on the economics of creating flourishing lives, discussing the importance of cognitive skills, character skills and health.
Max Roser collaborates with Hans Rosling on BBC Documentary
Sep 16, 2015
Institute for New Economic Thinking at Oxford researcher Max Roser recently collaborated with world famous Swedish statistical showman Hans Rosling on the upcoming documentary ‘Don’t Panic: How To End Poverty In 15 Years’.
Working Paper Series
Wealth Concentration, Income Distribution, and Alternatives for the USA
Sep 2015
US household wealth concentration is not likely to decline in response to fiscal interventions alone.
Why Carried Interest is Suddenly the Inequality Flashpoint
Sep 11, 2015
A little-understood rule in the tax code is making headlines. What’s all the fuss?
Is Financial Success a Product of Inherited Genes?
Aug 9, 2015
Comparing outcomes for biological and adopted children sheds light on the intergenerational transmission of wealth.
So What Can We Do About Inequality?
Jul 24, 2015
Tony Atkinson’s new book points the way forward.
Latest Institute Grants Announced
Jul 17, 2015
The Institute for New Economic Thinking has awarded $2 million in grants to fund 21 different projects as part of the latest round of its research grant program.
Rising Inequality is Holding Back the US Economy
Jul 16, 2015
A four percent growth goal for first term of the next president is not only possible, but is what we should strive to achieve.
Working paper
The Consumption Response to Liquidity-Enhancing Transfers: Evidence from Italian Earthquakes
Jun 2015
Exploiting three earthquakes in Italy as quasi-experiments, we analyse the response of homeowners’ consumption to transfers targeted to finance housing repair and reconstruction. To the extent that funds are made available up-front, these transfers are akin to loans, mainly affecting the liquidity of households’ wealth
The Charleston shooter has been arrested, but the true killer remains at large
Jun 29, 2015
Inequality, racism, and violence are the real killers in America.
It's Time to Get Radical on Inequality
Jun 25, 2015
America’s economic system has failed by not raising living standards for most.