Cook: Race-blind economics distorts data
Oct 27, 2016
Scholar sees Institute for New Economic Thinking conference as an important opportunity to discuss issues of race and economics, and of Detroit’s past and future
Unemployment Insurance Extension During Great Recession Did Not Destroy Jobs
Oct 13, 2016
Social safety nets don’t always need to come with a dark side
New Nationalist Challenges to Globalization: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
Oct 13, 2016 | 06:00—07:30
A conversation with Robert Johnson, President of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, former Managing Director for Soros Fund Management and former Chief Economist of the US Senate Banking Committee.
New Evidence Shows Gender Inequality in Top Incomes
Sep 29, 2016
Research by INET grantees Atkinson, Casarico and Voitchovsky shows that women are starkly underrepresented in top earning brackets across a range of different countries
VP Biden Cites Lazonick in Critique of Stock Buybacks
Sep 28, 2016
Vice President warns that corporate stock buybacks restrict America’s long-term prosperity, citing the research of Institute grantee William Lazonick who has long argued the same
The Economic Legacy of Racism
Sep 28, 2016
If additional education is not the solution to racial inequality, what is?
The Outlook for the Global Economy
Sep 22, 2016 | 06:00—07:30
An exclusive conversation with Richard Batley, Head of Macroeconomics at Lombard Street Research.
Why Corporate CEO Pay is Routinely Undercounted
Sep 15, 2016
An Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper by William Lazonick and Matt Hopkins reveals that much reporting on executive pay relies on systems of measurement that underreport real compensation
Do U.S. Economists Ignore Inequality?
Sep 14, 2016
Painting economics as blind to inequality may be overstating matters, but for too long efforts to explain it have been self limiting. Now, new economic thinkers are willing to pose uncomfortable questions.
The Pros and Cons of a Universal Basic Income
Aug 29, 2016
In June of this year, Swiss voters saw an initiative on their ballots calling for an “unconditional basic income” that would “allow the whole population to lead a decent life and participate in public life.” Put on the ballot by a petition drive after it was rejected in parliament, the initiative was rejected by 77 percent of Swiss voters, with 23 percent approving.
Modern Monopolies
Jul 21, 2016
With the power of modern computing being harnessed into increasingly small and portable devices, what do digital platforms mean for the entrenched global economy?
There Is a Way to Stop Machines From Making Americans Poorer
Jun 8, 2016
Technology will ruin America if we don’t compensate for its impact, warns Andy Stern.
Should we really be 'learning to love' the robots?
Jun 7, 2016
A response to Arjun Jayadev’s argument about the impact of automation on our work and life
How to relax and start loving the robots
Jun 3, 2016
Anxiety over human labor being replaced by cyborgs may be in vogue, but it’s overblown — machines may help us achieve healthier and more meaningful lives
Tunisia in Turmoil: When Supply-Side Orthodoxy Meets an Angry Citizenry
May 23, 2016
Mass protests challenging the government to focus on job-creation rather than on market liberalization and trade deals may carry a cautionary message to Western policy makers, too.