The Myth of Expansionary Austerity
Jul 8, 2019
It was too good to be true: Another effort to vindicate austerity falls victim to flawed methodology.
Working Paper Series
Expansionary Austerity and Reverse Causality: A Critique of the Conventional Approach
Jul 2019
It was too good to be true: Another effort to vindicate austerity falls victim to flawed methodology.
A Brief History of Doom
Jun 26, 2019
Richard Vague and Rob Johnson discuss the role of excessive lending in causing financial crises throughout history
Capitalism’s Great Reckoning
Jun 24, 2019
As the maladies of modern capitalism have multiplied, fundamental questions about the future of the world’s dominant economic model have become impossible to ignore. But in the absence of viable alternatives, the question is how to reform a system that is increasingly at odds with democracy.
Non-bank lending and the credit cycle: what are the risks?
Jun 21, 2019 |
Outlook Session: How much debt is too much?
Jun 21, 2019 |
Expectations and Credit Cycles: What role for over-optimism of borrowers and lenders?
Jun 21, 2019 |
Incentives and Credit Cycles: What’s driving risk taking in credit booms?
Jun 21, 2019 |
Private Debt Booms and the Real Economy: Do the benefits outweigh the costs?
Jun 21, 2019 |
Sectoral Credit and Financial Instability: Does the sectoral allocation matter for financial stability risks?
Jun 21, 2019 |
How can we measure risk exposure of banks and credit markets?
Jun 21, 2019 |
Is risk mispriced in credit booms, and if so, why?
Jun 21, 2019 |
Are better capitalized banking systems safer?
Jun 21, 2019 |
Credit Supply Shocks: Where do they come from, and what are their effects?
Jun 20, 2019 |
Credit Booms and Crises: what do historical bank-level data tell us?
Jun 20, 2019 |