Subprime Lending and the 2008 Crisis: Do we need a new narrative?
Jun 20, 2019 |
Was the US Great Depression a “Credit Boom Gone Bust?”
Jun 20, 2019 |
Could Household Debt Cause the Next Recession?
Jun 19, 2019
Steven Pressman says in the next few years, we could see rising interest rates bring about a recession
Rates of Return on Everything: A New Database
Jun 4, 2019
Returns on wealth exceed growth for more countries, more years, and more dramatically than Piketty has found
Modern Monetary Inevitabilities
May 31, 2019
For all the talk of Modern Monetary Theory representing a brave new frontier, it is easy to forget that the United States has gone down this road before, when the US Federal Reserve financed the war effort in the 1940s. Then, as now, the question is not about government debt, but about the debt’s purpose and justification.
Macroeconomic Management Meets the New Economy
May 2019
A report of the Commission on Global Economic Transformation’s subcommittee on Macroeconomics & Finance
INET at the Trento Economics Festival
May 30, 2019
A collection of our research on populism, globalization and nationalism
Why We Need New Measures of Potential Output—and What They Tell Us
May 16, 2019
Everyone is waking up to the fact that estimates of what is possible in the economy are way off: this paper explains why
Working Paper Series
Demand-determined potential output: a revision and update of Okun’s original method
May 2019
Everyone is waking up to the fact that estimates of what is possible in the economy are way off: this paper explains why
Why We Need Inclusive Prosperity
May 15, 2019
The implications of rising inequality are massive. Economists need to tackle it together.
Lance Taylor on Growth, Distribution, and the Future of Capitalism
May 1, 2019
Lance Taylor, Emeritus Professor of Economics at The New School for Social Research, delivers the annual Heilbroner Memorial Lecture on the Future of Capitalism.
Macroeconomic Stimulus à la MMT
Apr 30, 2019
Modern Monetary Theory is problematic. Launching large scale fiscal programs that rely on it would be skating on thin ice.
How to Ruin a Country in Three Decades
Apr 10, 2019
Italy’s austerity-fueled crisis is a warning to the Eurozone
Working Paper Series
Lost in Deflation
Apr 2019
Why Italy’s woes are a warning to the whole Eurozone
The Natural Rate of Interest Is Anything But
Jan 28, 2019
Central bankers pursue a “neutral” rate that doesn’t exist