Commission on Global Economic Transformation
Chaired by Nobel laureates Joseph Stiglitz and Michael Spence, INET has assembled a global team of leaders and scholars calling for new thinking & new rules for the world economy
Mainstream Macroeconomics and Modern Monetary Theory: What Really Divides Them?
Sep 6, 2018
Despite disparate policy beliefs, MMT and orthodox macro rely on many of the same theoretical foundations
Glasnost and Perestroika in Economics
Jul 25, 2018
James Galbraith says academic economics is in need of radical reform
YSI @ STOREP Conference 2018
ConferenceJun 28–30, 2018
YSI is hosting sessions at the 2018 STOREP conference.
We Can—And Must—Reform Capitalism
Jun 27, 2018
Fred Block says capitalism is not an unchanging monolith—which means we can make it better
Making Sense of Globalization in the 21st Century
Jun 13, 2018
In a complex world, we’ll experience more “black swans”, and the things that standard economic models assumed away will matter much more.
How Well Does Financial Regulation Work?
Mar 15, 2018
What 200 Years of Government Interventions in Financial Markets Can Tell Us
INET Research in a Stressful Year
Feb 23, 2018
In the face of laissez-faire capitalism at home and resurgent nationalism across the globe, INET offers an innovative look at the causes of—and solutions for—the problems that ail a fissuring world economy.
Financial Markets Have Taken Over the Economy. To Prevent Another Crisis, They Must Be Brought to Heel.
Feb 13, 2018
Banks have long had undue influence in society. But with the rapid expansion of a financial sector that transforms all debts and assets into tradable commodities, we are faced with something far worse: financial markets with an only abstract, inflated, and destabilizing relationship with the real economy. To prevent another crisis, finance must be domesticated and turned into a useful servant of society.
When Demand Shapes Supply
Feb 11, 2018
Contrary to the neoclassical model’s assumptions, shifts in aggregate demand have persistent effects on GDP
Working Paper Series
Persistent Effects of Autonomous Demand Expansions
Feb 2018
The prevailing wisdom that aggregate demand ‘shocks’ determine short-run cyclical fluctuations around a supply-determined equilibrium growth rate and an associated equilibrium unemployment rate (or NAIRU) has been called into question by various streams of literature in the last decades. Specifically, a recently revived literature on hysteresis finds significant persistence in the effects of recessions and negative aggregate demand shocks (Blanchard et al. 2015; Martin et al. 2015).
How Public Spending Creates Jobs and Growth—Without Inflation
Dec 21, 2017
Contrary to conventional wisdom, government stimulus can improve the health of the economy for years after, without inflationary side effects
What Mainstream Economists Get Wrong About Secular Stagnation
Dec 21, 2017
Forget the myth of a savings glut causing near-zero interest rates. We have a shortage of aggregate demand, and only public spending and raising wages will change that.
Servaas Storm: Secular Stagnation, Loanable Funds and the ZLB
Dec 16, 2017 |
Servaas Storm’s commentary on the papers presented at the secular stagnation conference.
Conference paper
Transition to Slower Population Growth: Demography and its Effect on Real Interest Rates
Dec 2017
The past 30 years has witnessed a worldwide decrease in real interest rates. We demonstrate that a large part of the fall in interest rates can be explained by changes in demography, which are as the result of a sudden fall in fertility rates across all of the advanced economies in the early 1970s.