Conference paper
Myths, Mix-ups and Mishandlings: What Caused the Eurozone Crisis?
Jul 2015
The Eurozone crisis has been wrongly interpreted as either a crisis of fiscal profligacy or of deteriorating unit-labour cost competitiveness (caused by rigid labour markets), or a combination of both.
How German Economists Really Think
Jul 7, 2015
A survey on behalf of the Sueddeutsche Zeitung indicates that German economists are much more American in their thinking than is presumed – with a rising trend.
Partnership Paper
Is There a Debt-threshold Effect on Output Growth?
Jul 2015
This paper studies the long-run impact of public debt expansion on economic growth and investigates whether the debt-growth relation varies with the level of indebtedness.
Working paper
Is There a Debt-threshold Effect on Output Growth?
Jun 2015
This paper studies the long-run impact of public debt expansion on economic growth and investigates whether the debt-growth relation varies with the level of indebtedness.
The Death of ‘Homo Economicus’
Jun 18, 2015
Good incentives are no substitute for good citizens.
What Even Famous Mainstream Economists Miss About the Cambridge Capital Controversies
Jun 15, 2015
Non-mainstream economists are disputing neoclassical ideas about capital.
Fiscal implications of the ECB’s bond-buying program
Jun 14, 2015
The monetary-fiscal policy connection is under scrutiny by the German Constitutional Court in the context of the ECB’s OMT bond-buying programme. This column argues that most analyses are deeply flawed by the misapplication of private-company default principles to the central bank. ECB bond-buying transforms public bonds into monetary base, and sovereign-default risk into inflation risk. The real question is: What is the non-inflationary limit to money-base expansion? This depends upon the economic situation and is much higher in the current liquidity-trap setting.
Working paper
Beyond Competitive Devaluations: The Monetary Dimensions of Comparative Advantage
May 2015
Motivated by the long-standing debate on the pros and cons of competitive devaluation, we propose a new perspective on how monetary and exchange rate policies can contribute to a country’s international competitiveness. We refocus the analysis on the implications of monetary stabilization for a country’s comparative advantage.
Adair Turner on Debt
May 13, 2015
The former chairman of Britain’s Financial Services Authority and author of the forthcoming book “Between Debt and the Devil” explains why private debt, not banks, deepened the financial crisis and continues to cause trouble today.
Finance & Society
ConferenceMay 5–6, 2015
Senator Elizabeth Warren, Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen, and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde joined a renowned group of globally influential women in discussing how the financial system can be re-imagined to truly benefit society.
Working Paper Series
An Economical Business-Cycle Model
Apr 2015
In recent decades, advanced economies have experienced low and stable inflation and long periods of liquidity trap. We construct an alternative business-cycle model capturing these two features by adding two assumptions to a money-in-the-utility-function model: the labor market is subject to matching frictions, and real wealth enters the utility function. These assumptions modify the two core equations of the standard New Keynesian model
George Soros on the Future of Europe
Apr 10, 2015 | 03:30
Conference paper
Austeritarianism in Europe: What Options for Resistance?
Apr 2015
In much of Europe, the social rights and social protections won in the first post-war decades, by labour movements in particular, have subsequently been seriously eroded, and are further threatened by neoliberal austerity.
Macroeconomic Externalities
Apr 9, 2015 | 12:15—01:45
Conference paper
Pseudo-wealth Fluctuations and Aggregate Demand Effects
Apr 2015
This paper presents a theory of pseudo-wealth in a model that displays aggregate demand externalities.