Conference paper
Inequality, the crisis, and stagnation
Apr 2015
The inequality of income and wealth is one of the defining issues of our time, in terms of both its social and macroeconomic implications. In this article, I focus on the macroeconomic implications of inequality. In particular, it is possible to identify four themes on which there seems to be growing consensus among many economists especially in the various heterodox traditions, but also increasingly in the mainstream of the economics profession:
Macroeconomic Causes of Inequality
Apr 8, 2015 | 06:30—07:00
Caught in a Debt Trap
Apr 7, 2015
In his latest annual address at Cass Business School, Visiting Professor Lord Adair Turner warned that the world is caught in a ‘debt overhang’.
Working Paper Series
Change and Rationality in Macroeconomics and Finance Theory: A New Rational Expectations Hypothesis
Mar 2015
We call attention to the class of models that serve as the foundation for the rational expectations hypothesis (REH). Models in this class rule out completely any structural change that cannot be fully anticipated with a probabilistic or other quantitative rule. REH models are abstractions of rational decision-making, but only in a hypothetical world in which participants can fully anticipate when and how they might revise their understanding of the process driving outcomes.
Working paper
An investigation into Multivariate Variance Ratio Statistics and their application to Stock Market Predictability
Mar 2015
We propose several multivariate variance ratio statistics. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the statistics and scalar functions thereof under the null hypothesis that returns are unpredictable after a constant mean adjustment (i.e., under the weak form Efficient Market Hypothesis). We do not impose the no leverage assumption of Lo and MacKinlay (1988) but our asymptotic standard errors are relatively simple and in particular do not require the selection of a bandwidth parameter. We extend the framework to allow for a time varying risk premium through common systematic factors.
Working Paper Series
Household Income, Demand, and Saving: Deriving Macro Data with Micro Data Concepts
Mar 2015
We develop adjustments to align the NIPA measures of key household flows with cash flow concepts that better reflect household budgets and demand.
Europe and the Challenge of Re-Starting Growth
Mar 13, 2015
How can we reconnect economic success to socioeconomic outcomes?
Financial Stability
As the pace of financial crises quickens and the volatility of economic shocks intensifies, we need new ways to understand and respond to instability. This program coordinates our research efforts on finance, macroeconomics, and monetary economics.
Setting the Stage for the Next Financial Crisis
Mar 6, 2015
Michael Greenberger discusses the current state of play of regulatory reform and gives a barely passing grade.
Can Democracy Survive Aggressive Global Capitalism?
Mar 6, 2015
Rana Dasgupta shares his view of the contradictions and tensions of India’s economic and political scenes.
Working paper
Networks in the Laboratory
Feb 2015
This chapter surveys experimental research on networks in economics.
Conference paper
Should heterodox economics be taught in economics departments, or is there any room for backwater economics?
Feb 2015
It is highly fitting to have a panel devoted to ‘teaching economics’ in Paris. No less than 15 years ago, in 2000, in downtown Paris, a group of students from the École Normale Supérieure, one of France’s élite schools, wrote a petition asking economics teaching to be devoted to the study of real-world problems, with an instrumental use of mathematics rather than to the description of imaginary worlds based on meaningless formalizations.
What does Yanis Varoufakis want?
Feb 26, 2015
With the approval of the reform proposals by the Greek government, the Eurozone has returned to calmer waters. But it is only a brief interlude.
Finding Till Düppe
Feb 19, 2015
History of Policy Evaluation: A Few Questions
Feb 4, 2015
I need a history of policy evaluation.