Conference paper
The Impact of Inequality on Macroeconomic Dynamics
Apr 2012
In the last few years the impact of income distribution on macroeconomic dynamics has received growing academic attention.
Conference paper
Leveraging Inequality
Apr 2012
Long periods of unequal incomes spur borrowing from the rich, increasing the risk of major economic crises
Conference paper
Apr 2012
Higher income inequality in developed countries is associated with higher domestic and foreign indebtedness
The Impact of Inequality on Macroeconomics Dynamics
Apr 13, 2012 | 06:55—08:45
Does greater inequality produce more fragile economic dynamics? Does concentration of wealth and income make societies more prone to crisis? If so, why?
What Matters: Fundamental Challenges and Self inflicted Wounds
Apr 12, 2012 | 03:30—05:10
Conference paper
Change and Expectations in Macroeconomic Models: Recognizing the Limits to Knowability
Apr 2012
In modern economies, individuals and companies engage in innovative activities, discovering new ways to use existing physical and human capital, and new technologies in which to invest. The institutional and broader social context within which these activities take place also changes in novel ways.
What Can Economists Know? Rethinking the Foundations of Economic Understanding
Apr 11, 2012 | 11:00—02:00
The economics profession stands on the fragile foundation of presuppositions adopted by professional agreement rather than as a result of empirical observation.
Challenging the Foundation
Apr 11, 2012
George Soros, Axel Leijonhufvud and Perry Mehrling in Berlin, Germany (2012).
The Dynamics of the Chicago / MIT Dispute (in the Archives)
Mar 4, 2012
Crisis Averted: Understanding LTRO2
Feb 29, 2012
Fundamentally, the ECB is trying to keep the ongoing sovereign debt crisis from turning into a full-fledged bank credit crisis.
Bretton Woods: What Can We Learn From The Past In Designing The Future
Apr 8, 2011 | 03:00—04:30
Getting Back on Track : Macroeconomic Management After A Financial Crisis
Apr 8, 2011 | 04:50—06:55
Adair Turner: Keynote Address
Apr 8, 2011 | 03:30—05:30
Conference paper
Cambridge Talk on Hayek
Apr 2011
Tonight I will talk briefly about the Keynes-Hayek relationship, then will focus on some of Hayek’s insights that may be of relevance today.
Conference paper
Combining International Monetary Reform with Commodity Buffer Stocks : Keynes, Graham and Kaldor
Apr 2011
Central to John Maynard Keynes (1941) original Bretton Woods proposal was an international clearing union that would issue a new international currency by fiat called bancor. Among other functions, this international central bank would finance the stabilization of individual commodity prices through commodity buffer stocks.