Working Paper
Current External Challenges to the Economic Expansion of Emerging Markets
Mar 2023
A Balance-of-Payments Constrained Growth Perspective
The Quasi-Inflation of 2021-2022: A Case of Bad Analysis and Worse Response
Feb 2, 2023
Why the conventional tools of the Phillips Curve, NAIRU, potential output, and money-supply growth are useless
The Rise of the Global Dollar System
Jan 11, 2023
Why does the apparently prescient and correct “key currency” view remain an embattled minority view?
Working Paper
Exorbitant Privilege? On the Rise (and Rise) of the Global Dollar System
Jan 2023
Things are going to break and central banks are going to have to respond, but the mental frame that most people will be using is not well suited for understanding how the world now works
Time Bomb in Global Finance
Jan 4, 2023
A Bank for International Settlements study says 60+ trillion dollars of off-the-books currency swaps could be a profound, systematic risk. Robert Johnson joins Paul Jay on
The Great Inflation Debate: Supply Shocks and Wealth Effects in a Multipolar World Economy
Jan 3, 2023
Setting the record straight and identifying less destructive pathways forward than round after round of interest rate increases.
Working Paper
Myth and Reality in the Great Inflation Debate: Supply Shocks and Wealth Effects in a Multipolar World Economy
Jan 2023
A critical reappraisal of the case in favor of monetary tightening pressed by inflation hawks is overdue.
Working Paper
Why Economists Should Support Populist Antitrust Goals
Dec 2022
The Consumer Welfare Standard is severely limited or defective, preventing it from being an appropriate standard for modern antitrust.
Global Inflation Today: What Is to Be Done?
ConferencePERI Conference, featuring INET Research Director Thomas Ferguson and INET Grantees
Dec 2–Nov 3, 2022
Emerging out of the COVID lockdown, inflation in the U.S. and globally has risen to the highest levels in 40 years. On December 2-3, PERI will host a conference to explore the causes of this global inflation spike. Conference participants will also provide critical perspectives on the austerity macroeconomic policies being implemented globally to control inflation and will propose alternative policies capable of managing inflation without imposing austerity and rising mass unemployment.
Working Paper
Muth’s Hypothesis Under Knightian Uncertainty
Dec 2022
A Novel Account of Inflation Forecasts
Dollar Dominance is Financial Dominance
Nov 23, 2022
What Strategies can Break This Dependency?
You’re Living in a World Wrought by the Federal Reserve. Notice Anything Wrong?
Nov 17, 2022
In her new book, veteran Wall Street watcher and economist Nomi Prins warns that central bank strategies deployed since the financial crisis are destroying the real economy, worsening inequality, and creating societal chaos.
Collateral Damage From Higher Interest Rates
Nov 5, 2022
Why to Be Wary of Another Volcker-Type Monetary Tightening
Working Paper
Inflation in the Time of Corona and War: The Plight of the Developing Economies
Nov 2022
Fears of ‘stagflation’ have come back to haunt macroeconomic policy makers all over the globe
How Corporations “Get Away With Murder” to Inflate Prices on Rent, Food, and Electricity
Oct 19, 2022
Antitrust expert Hal Singer shows how big businesses in certain industries are taking advantage of inflation worries to jack up prices far beyond their cost increases, all the while raking in robber-baron profits.