Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Antitrust Arguments “Chicago Style”
Aug 17, 2023
ProMarket and the Consumer Welfare Standard An output increase is not sufficient to increase welfare. Allocation—how goods are distributed—matters.
How to Fix Monetary Policy in Advanced Countries
Aug 14, 2023
The monetary policies of major central banks in advanced economies have had negative consequences and thus need to be fixed
Working Paper
Why The Monetary Policy Framework in Advanced Countries Needs Fundamental Reform
Aug 2023
Monetary policy should be guided much more by financial sector developments and much less by near-term targets for inflation.
Inflation Narratives and Their Consequences
Jul 31, 2023
On the reflexive relationship between inflation and inflation narratives
Central Banks and Income Distribution: Does the Taylor Rule Push Up Rentier Incomes?
Jul 27, 2023
The effect of monetary policy on the functional distribution of income
Working Paper
Is “Inflation First” Really “Rentiers First”? The Taylor Rule and Rentier Income in Industrialized Countries
Jul 2023
Central banks strongly favored rentier incomes in their reaction functions
Oil Prices, Oil Profits, Speculation, and Inflation
Jun 26, 2023
The role of speculation in the crude oil market in the increase in the WTI crude oil price.
Working Paper
Betting on Black Gold: Oil Speculation and U.S. Inflation (2020-2022)
Jun 2023
Were the sharp increases in prices during 2020-2022 due to fundamental shifts in supply and demand or are they attributable to excessive market speculation?
Profit Inflation and Markups Once Again
Jun 15, 2023
Inflation and corporate profits, a further discussion, responding to Servaas Storm
Profit Inflation Is Real
Jun 15, 2023
Inflation and corporate profits, a further discussion
Profit-Led Inflation Redefined: Response to Nikiforos and Grothe
Jun 6, 2023
Besides changes in institutions and social norms, other phenomena could explain a rise in the profit share.
Markups, Profit Shares, and Cost-Push-Profit-Led Inflation
Jun 6, 2023
To what extent is profit-led inflation compatible with what we know about the price-setting behavior of firms and income distribution?
Merger Tests in Practice: A Critical Analysis
May 8, 2023
Current tests for mergers are in practice deeply flawed.
Working Paper
The Perils of Antitrust Econometrics: Unrealistic Engel Curves, Inadequate Data, and Aggregation Bias
May 2023
Antitrust econometrics relies on often-implausible assumptions
Emerging Markets and the Balance of Payments: Challenges to Growth and Sustainability
Mar 13, 2023
A model that captures key vulnerabilities and structural weaknesses of developing countries’ trade and production structures.