Economics Profession
Nancy Folbre’s Feminist, Unorthodox Economics
Jan 4, 2018
The renowned feminist economist discusses the importance of heterodoxy, radicalism, and social justice to the discipline
INET President: Rebuilding A Moral Economics
Oct 21, 2017 | 11:15
Rob Johnson kicks off INET’s “Reawakening” conference with his take on how economists can win back the trust of a world that has rejected experts
Innovation, Institutions and Governance
ConferenceSep 16–19, 2017
The YSI Economics of Innovation Working Group in partnership with the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology is hosting a YSI Conference on “Innovation, Institutions and Governance”.
How Not to Criticize Standard Economic Models
Jul 5, 2017
Mason doesn’t think teaching contending economic theories is effective, and sees the objective of introductory economics courses as teaching students basic tools to understand economic terminology and standard relationship between cause and effect.
The Many Transgressions of Deirdre McCloskey
Jun 28, 2017
McCloskey discusses her career, critiques of economics, and offers advice for young economists.
Rethinking Economics and Economic History in Zimbabwe: Theory and Practice
WorkshopApr 22, 2017
Workshop of the YSI Africa Working Group
Against False Arrogance of Economic Knowledge
Apr 17, 2017
“The humility to accept that economic propositions cannot be universal would save us from self-defeating arrogance.” Economist Amit Bhaduri adds his perspective to our Experts on Trial discussion.
A Turbulent Capitalist Economy: The vision of Anwar Shaikh
Apr 5, 2017
In a recent interview at the INET offices in New York, Anwar Shaikh provided a background to the work and his life in this quest.
The Mechanical Turn in Economics and Its Consequences
Mar 20, 2017
In the age of Adam Smith, an economics that masqueraded as natural science and excluded the human condition actually suited the interests of the landed and the wealthy
The Next Generation of New Economic Thinkers
Mar 7, 2017
Explore your curiosity in economics in an open and critical community.
Can “It” Happen Again? Defining the Battlefield for a Theoretical Revolution in Economics
Feb 27, 2017
As part of our “Experts on Trial Series”, Antonella Palumbo argues for stripping away ‘scientific’ shibboleths that mask social and political choices
'People Have Had Enough of Experts'
Feb 6, 2017
As part of our ongoing symposium “Experts on Trial”, Professor Sheila Dow argues that if voters have grown contemptuous of economists’ expertise, that’s because economics has been misrepresented as a technical subject separate from politics and moral judgments
Why Economists Should Think of Themselves as Plumbers
Jan 23, 2017
From physicists to engineers to meds to plumbers: thoughts on Esther Duflo’s ASSA 2017 lecture on rediscovering the last art of economics
Sraffa’s Revolution in Economic Theory
Dec 26, 2016
The prominence of the debate over ‘reswitching’ has obscured the importance of Piero Sraffa’s profound contribution to economics. It’s time to revisit and build on that body of work
A New Tool For Teaching Pluralist Economics
Dec 20, 2016
Students in Europe have created an important resource for those seeking alternative curricular materials