Economics Profession
A Response to John Kay's essay on the State of Economics
Oct 4, 2011
The future of macro, he says, may well make “the formation and revision of expectations an object of analysis in its own right.”
The Map Is Not the Territory: An Essay on the State of Economics
Oct 4, 2011
The reputation of economics and economists, never high, has been a victim of the crash of 2008.
Report of the Economics Curriculum Committee Task Force
Apr 8, 2011 | 01:15—02:00
Reforming Economic Theory
Apr 22, 2010
Joseph Stiglitz at the Institute’s debut conference in Cambridge, UK (2010).
Conference paper
What Kind of Theory to Guide Reform and Restructuring of the Financial and Non-Financial Sectors?
Apr 2010
The purpose of the paper is to argue for attention to be paid, not only to choice of theory, but also to choice of theoretical approach, in order to address issues posed by the crisis.
What Kind of Theory to Guide Reform and Restructuring of the Financial and Non-Financial Sectors?
Apr 8, 2010 | 09:50—11:40
Capitalism: Competition, Conflict and Crises
The aim of the two-semester sequence is to explore a coherent alternative to neoclassical and post-Keynesian theory that does not rely in any way on concepts of utility maximization, rational choice, rational expectations, or perfect/imperfect competition.
After the Crisis
Many thought the financial crash was a final blow to capitalsim. Why does it still reign supreme? Anatole Kaletsky outlines the shape of things to come.