Technology & Innovation
The Future of Work | What is Technology? Accelerator, Enabler, or Displacer?
Webinarmoderated by Katya Klinova with Long Chen, Anton Korinek and John Van Reenen
Sep 29, 2020
Human societies have always coevolved with technology, but how can we think of technology? Is it an external force outside our control, or do we have a say in its direction, development and deployment?
The Future of Work | What's at Stake?
Webinarmoderated by Steve Clemons with James Manyika and Michael Spence
Sep 22, 2020
Advancements in automation and artificial intelligence are quickly reaching tipping points, yet our policies, institutions and mindsets are woefully outdated. What will work look like in the future, and how do we secure a future that works for all?
Digital Transformation: Pre and Post Covid-19
Webinarwith Jim Balsillie
Aug 20, 2020
The rise of the Knowledge Based Economy and subsequent Data Driven Economy has created a new world in which the basis of wealth and power is derived from control of these intangible assets, alongside creating a new kind of social and political space in which both our public and private spheres are technologically reshaped. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated these transformations that permeate our world and has amplified their effects.
Is Silicon Valley Nudging Us Towards an Authoritarian Future?
Jul 29, 2020
Margaret Heffernan’s new book “Uncharted” warns against giving up the power to shape our destiny to gurus and gadgets promising false certainty.
The AI Awakening: Implications for the Economy
Webinarwith Erik Brynjolfsson | 12:00pm ET / 9:00am PT
Jul 23, 2020
Technology has played a critical role during the COVID-19 pandemic, facilitating remote work and automating certain pandemic responses. But it has also accelerated technological adoption, and the “future of work” may now be the present.
Who Benefits From New Technologies?
Jun 22, 2020
Do the benefits of new technologies accrue primarily to inventors, early investors, and highly skilled users, or to society more widely as their adoption generates employment growth?
Working Paper
The Geography of New Technologies
Jun 2020
Rising inequality has focused attention on the benefits of new technologies. Do these accrue primarily to inventors, early investors, and highly skilled users, or to society more widely as their adoption generates employment growth?
The Fleming Myth and the Public Sector Contribution to Discovery and Development of New Cancer Drugs
Jun 2, 2020
Abstract, “basic science” research is essential to drug discovery. It is also largely funded by the public sector.
COVID-19 and Surveillance Technology
Webinarwith Bruce Schneier - 12:30pm EDT / 9:30am PDT
May 29, 2020
Technology has played a central role in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. But that has come with increased risks to privacy. How do we balance our needs for safety, convenience and privacy in the wake of this crisis?
US Digital Response to the COVID Crisis
Webinarwith Tim O’Reilly& Jennifer Pahlka | 10am PT / 1pm ET
Apr 24, 2020
As the COVID crisis threatens to overwhelm both federal and state government services, getting the digital component of government services to function effectively is mission critical.
Research & Policy Workshops
IMPORTANT: Due to growing concerns around the coronavirus, the INET Conference, as well as these workshops will be postponed.
WorkshopApr 13–15, 2020
IMPORTANT: Due to growing concerns around the coronavirus, the INET Conference, as well as these workshops will be postponed. Applicants will soon be provided further information.
Why Data Is Like Fire
Mar 11, 2020
Dr. Chen Long, Director of the Luohan Academy, explains why the digital revolution is so different from the industrial revolution
Labor, Technology and Growth
ConferenceTowards A Gini Negative Solution
Feb 27–28, 2020
What will empower a worker to be able to make greater demands on a profitable economy or employer? The answer may be summed up in one word: leverage.
Evil is Baked into Big Tech’s Business Plan. Now What?
Dec 12, 2019
In her new book, Don’t Be Evil, Rana Foroohar explores how to confront companies like Google and their under-regulated stampede over all of us.
WeWork Showed Us How Badly Start-up Bros Suck—but Shareholder Rule Isn’t Better
Nov 7, 2019
To make start-ups work for everyone, we need to put power back in the hands of workers.