Government & Politics
Working Paper Series
The Economics and Politics of Social Democracy: A Reconsideration
May 2020
The popular discontent and rise of ‘populist’ political parties is closely related to the failure of New Labor to navigate social democracy’s dilemma.
Pandemic Relief Efforts
Webinarwith Joseph Stiglitz - 12pm EDT / 9am PDT
May 14, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust us into a new reality, and any course we set now will have huge and lasting repercussions on public health and the economy.
The Argentina Debt Reduction Proposal
Apr 28, 2020
A Template to Prevent a Global Debt Crisis?
US Digital Response to the COVID Crisis
Webinarwith Tim O’Reilly& Jennifer Pahlka | 10am PT / 1pm ET
Apr 24, 2020
As the COVID crisis threatens to overwhelm both federal and state government services, getting the digital component of government services to function effectively is mission critical.
The Political Economy of the French Pension System Reform(s)
Apr 22, 2020
Just before the crisis, European countries were designing austerity reforms that would increase inequality and reduce internal demand. Could they return?
Why We Need Solidarity Economics
Apr 22, 2020
Economists have gone to great lengths to write humans out of economics, pushing self-interest and generally providing two choices—faith in markets or the state.
Europe and the Need for Multilateralism
Apr 14, 2020
A call to action for a world economy in crisis
Fatal Combination: Bailouts and Bank Rescues in Money-Driven Political Systems
Apr 13, 2020
Financial industry donations to members of Congress lead to the adoption of pro-bank policies
Working Paper Series
How Much Can the U.S. Congress Resist Political Money? A Quantitative Assessment
Apr 2020
The links between campaign contributions from the financial sector and switches to a pro-bank vote were direct and substantial
Research & Policy Workshops
IMPORTANT: Due to growing concerns around the coronavirus, the INET Conference, as well as these workshops will be postponed.
WorkshopApr 13–15, 2020
IMPORTANT: Due to growing concerns around the coronavirus, the INET Conference, as well as these workshops will be postponed. Applicants will soon be provided further information.
CARES Will Care for Wall Street and Big Business, for Macroeconomic Balance Maybe Not So Much
Apr 6, 2020
Much historical commentary emphasizes how pandemics restructure long-standing social and political arrangements. The observation applies to macroeconomics as well.
The EU’s Green Deal: Bismarck’s ‘What Is Possible’ versus Thunberg’s ‘What Is Imperative’ in the Age of Covid-19
Apr 1, 2020
What ails the EU Green Deal is exactly what troubles the Union in general — an absence of social democracy at work
The COVID-19 Recession: Unprecedented Collapse and the Need for Macro Policy
Mar 26, 2020
Effective and quick federal policy response is critical to create conditions for a quick recovery.
4 Ways to Eradicate the Corporate Disease That is Worsening the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mar 23, 2020
It’s time for business executives, employees, and taxpayers to come together to help get us out of the pandemic and create conditions for a sustainable and equitable future
Rule Number 1 for Government Bailouts of Companies: Make Sure Voters and Taxpayers Share in the Upside
Mar 23, 2020
If the public is to be called upon for the second time in twelve years to bail out businesses, it should get something back for its money. Bailed out firms should be compelled to issue convertible bonds to the government.