Government & Politics
To Understand China’s Economy, Look to Its Politics
Jun 7, 2018
The removal of term limits for Xi Jinping may be a better indicator of economic health—or crisis—than official statistics
Worrying About the Deficit is So 17th Century
Jun 6, 2018
In “celebration” of the late Pete Peterson’s 92nd birthday (see guest list), an excerpt from 19th Century historian Lord Macaulay’s History of England, on hundreds of years of unwarranted panic about government debt.
Working Paper Series
Labor Institutions and Development Under Globalization
Jun 2018
Labor market regulation is a controversial area of public policy in both developed and developing countries.
Meet the Hidden Architect Behind America's Racist Economics
May 30, 2018
Nobel laureate James Buchanan is the intellectual linchpin of the Koch-funded attack on democratic institutions, argues Duke historian Nancy MacLean
Citation Counts: Consequences on the Development of Economics
May 2018
A presentation from the panel “Research Evaluation in Economic Theory and Policy Making” at the 2018 G20 Global Solutions Summit in Berlin
Conference paper
Performance-Based Incentives, Research Evaluation Systems and the Trickle-Down of Bad Science
May 2018
Alberto Baccini’s presentation for INET’s panel on research evaluation at the G20 Global Solutions Summit in Berlin, May 2018.
INET Memo to G20: The Trouble with Economic Research Evaluation
May 28, 2018
In a memo for the G20, INET calls for changes to the evaluation of economic research to ensure that economic theory—and policy—is more rigorous, innovative, and in service to society.
Breaking the Stranglehold of the Orthodoxy in Economics
May 28, 2018
Introducing INET’s body of work on dysfunctions in research evaluation, Rob Johnson shows how breaking academic conformity is vital for the economics profession—and the economy itself.
Why We Need a Global Public Economics
May 7, 2018
Global public goods, from health to peace to security, crisscross national and social boundaries. We need a new economic theory to understand their pivotal role in the global economy.
How Bill Cosby, Obama and Mega-preachers Sold Economic Snake Oil to Black America
May 2, 2018
It’s time to connect political violence with economic violence.
How to Grow the Economy While Reducing Inequality
Apr 27, 2018
For the BRICS countries to not just grow their economies but also raise the standard of living of their people, inclusive growth that prioritizes poverty reduction is a must
BRICS to Play a Leading Role in Driving Future Global Economic Growth
Apr 20, 2018
But the five countries must still support greater investment in other emerging and developing economies
Why Americans’ Hatred of Taxes Is Fake News
Apr 13, 2018
Newspapers consistently underplay wide public support for higher taxes on businesses and the wealthy
Working paper
A Distorting Mirror: Major Media Coverage of Americans’ Tax Policy Preferences
Apr 2018
Over the last four decades, Americans have consistently told pollsters that they favor higher taxes on business and the wealthy, even as tax policy has moved sharply in the other direction.
The Growing BRICS Economies: An INET Series
Apr 12, 2018
The BRICS countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—play a crucial and growing role in the world economy. Sanjay Reddy kicks off our series exploring shifting social and economic dynamics within these countries, and what they mean for the global economy.