Conference paper
How far are Economists Purveyors of Fake News?
Oct 2017
How far are economists implicated in the rise of ‘fake experts’ and ‘fake news’?
Fake News and Fake Experts? Or Should the Experts and the Media Find New Citizens?
Oct 22, 2017 | 03:30
Fake news, propaganda, and “expertise”: What has happened to information in the information age?
Conference paper
Importing Political Polarization?
Oct 2017
The Electoral Consequences of Rising Trade Exposure
Conference paper
Fathers of Neoliberalism
Oct 2017
The Academic and Professional Performance of the Chicago School, 1960-1985
Taking the Con Out of Economics? The Limits of Negative Darwinism
Oct 22, 2017 | 12:00
What Do Citations Actually Measure in Economics and How Should Economic Journals and Department Review Committees Use This Data?
Nobel Laureates to Co-Chair Independent Commission on Global Economy
Oct 22, 2017
Joseph Stiglitz, Michael Spence and a global team of leading thinkers are calling for new thinking & new rules for the world economy
Conference paper
A Fiscal Union. Is it likely? Would it be enough?
Oct 2017
The current crisis is the culmination of a process of integration that has profoundly changed the structure of each member state, their inter-relations and their power relations. One of its side effects was the rediscovery of the terms ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’ to analyse the economic situations of the European countries.
Conference paper
Macroeconomic stabilization, monetary-fiscal interactions, and Europe’s monetary union
Oct 2017
The euro area has been experiencing a prolonged period of weak economic activity and very low inflation.
Conference paper
How a Flawed Structure is Hurting the Eurozone—Economically and Politically
Oct 2017
The wind appears to be back in the sails of the Eurozone economy ….
Conference paper
Power or Economic Law?
Oct 2017
Some fresh reflections on ECB policy
The Future of the Eurozone
Oct 21, 2017 | 12:30
Can a monetary union without true banking and fiscal union be saved? What remains of the hopes that animated the Treaty of Rome?
INET and Economics in Cambridge
Oct 21, 2017 | 06:35—07:20
A discussion of new economic thinking over the years at Cambridge, and its recent contributions via the Cambridge-INET Institute
Adam Smith and the Scottish Enlightenment
Oct 21, 2017 |
Adam Smith and his contemporaries were key figures of the Scottish enlightenment. How much of his real thought survives in modern economics, and has something important been lost?
Conference paper
On Adam Smith
Oct 2017
Given that this is a panel on that quintessential Enlightenment thinker Adam Smith, I can think of no better way to begin my remarks than to invoke that most enlightened of modern economists, Kenneth Boulding, who in 1971 penned the delightful essay, “After Samuelson, Who Needs Adam Smith?”
Conference paper
“Come forth into the light of things”: William Wordsworth’s Human Challenge to Economic Thinking
Oct 2017
When priests and princes lost their monopoly over the big questions of human existence over the course of the Enlightenment, philosophers, poets, and ordinary people struggled to find out the answers on their own.