The economist as an expert: a prince, a servant or a citizen?
Feb 8, 2017
In his contribution to our ongoing series “Experts on Trial”, Alessandro Roncaglia argues that viewing economists as princes or servants of power is inherently authoritarian. We should instead see the economist as a socially and politically engaged citizen
Why Greenspan Knew, But Didn’t Act
Feb 8, 2017
Mallaby’s research shows that Greenspan knew more about the looming perils than people realize.
Zero Interest Rates in EU: The Myth of the Poor German Saver
Feb 7, 2017
Panic over the impact on German savers of low interest rates and looming inflation neglects to mention that very few Germans are saving much
'People Have Had Enough of Experts'
Feb 6, 2017
As part of our ongoing symposium “Experts on Trial”, Professor Sheila Dow argues that if voters have grown contemptuous of economists’ expertise, that’s because economics has been misrepresented as a technical subject separate from politics and moral judgments
Adair Turner on the Liquidity Risks of ETFs
Feb 5, 2017
Turner discusses The Economist’s Society the liquidity risks posed by Exchange Traded Funds.
Is Inequality a Political Choice?
Feb 3, 2017
Research by INET-affiliated scholars shows the US lags far behind its peers on inclusive growth, suggesting inequality is not an inevitable consequence of globalization and technology
Three Economic Surprises to Watch for in 2017
Feb 2, 2017
Institute Governing Board member Anatole Kaletsky argues that the Trump Administration’s policies will boost inflation and spur interest-hikes as well as a stronger dollar more rapidly than many expect, but that the European Union’s economy is on the mend
To Save Capitalism, Make it Work for Average Folks
Feb 1, 2017
Smick argues that distortions of capitalism have fed populist rebellion, and that reviving a capitalism that offers opportunity for average people to increase their earnings is an urgent priority if America’s political economy is to be stabilized.
China’s Economic Management at the Beginning of the Trump Era: Turbulence Ahead or Steady-As-You-Go
Feb 1, 2017 | 06:00—07:30
A discussion on China’s economic management at the beginning of the Trump era featuring Leland R. Miller, Co-founder and CEO of the China Beige Book.
The evolution of capitalism – history, law, and economics compared
DiscussionJan 30–Jun 19, 2017
This study group aims to reflect on international economic growth, sustainable development and the evolution of economic thinking around capitalism and enterprise through the analysis of a selected multidisciplinary bibliography.
History and Sociology of Emerging Markets
DiscussionJan 26–May 4, 2017
A Speaker Series for the Greater Philadelphia Region
Brunnermeier: Europe’s Future Will Be Settled By a Battle of Ideas
Jan 25, 2017
A conflict which revolves around key economic policy differences on questions such as rules vs. discretion, solidarity vs. liability, liquidity vs. solvency and austerity vs. stimulus.
Trumping Capitalism?
Jan 24, 2017
Donald Trump’s presidency is a symptom of an interregnum between economic orders – a period that will result in a new balance between state and market. While his administration’s economic policies are unlikely to provide the right answer, they may at least show the world what not to do.
Johnson: Elites Eying the Exits Signals America's Crisis
Jan 23, 2017
Institute President Rob Johnson interviewed by the New Yorker on hedge-fund managers and the market for air strips in New Zealand
Why Economists Should Think of Themselves as Plumbers
Jan 23, 2017
From physicists to engineers to meds to plumbers: thoughts on Esther Duflo’s ASSA 2017 lecture on rediscovering the last art of economics