Working Paper Series
Why do Sovereign Borrowers Post Collateral? Evidence from the 19th Century
Oct 2021
In the 19th Century, “hypothecations” provided investors with valuable information on sovereign fiscal resources
How the U.S. Lost National Healthcare
Jun 15, 2021
An excerpt from the just released book, The Outlier, by Kai Bird
How Greedy Corporations Turn the Black American Dream into a Nightmare
May 24, 2021
The plight of white blue-collar workers is well-known, but Blacks in that category were feeling the squeeze long before their white counterparts.
Working Paper
The Unmaking of the Black Blue-Collar Middle Class
May 2021
How once-promising Black upward mobility reversed course, and what can be done about it
America Hasn’t Reckoned with the Coup That Blasted the Black Middle Class
Apr 29, 2021
In 1898, upwardly mobile Blacks in Wilmington, NC were terrorized and slaughtered in a violent insurrection that set the stage for Jim Crow – and the next 123 years. Hardly anyone really knows about it.
Debt Talks Episode 7 | The Case for Household Debt Relief
Webinarwith Erica Jiang, Johnna Montgomerie, and Jialan Wang; moderated by Moritz Schularick
Hosted by Private Debt
Apr 20, 2021
Large-sale debt relief for indebted households could be a game changer.
Lessons from the First New Deal for the Next One
Apr 13, 2021
Whether it is called “Build Back Better” or a “Green Industrial Policy” or, indeed, a Green New Deal, it is imperative to reject the false dichotomy of “jobs against climate.”
Debt Talks Episode 6 | Who’s Afraid of European Banks?
Webinarwith Martin Arnold, Elena Carletti and Richard Vague; moderated by Thomas Fricke and Moritz Schularick
Hosted by Private Debt
Feb 23, 2021
Does the COVID recession still have the potential to turn into a broader financial meltdown?
James M. Buchanan, Segregation, and Virginia’s Massive Resistance
Nov 9, 2020
When segregationists fought against school integration, libertarian economist James Buchanan saw an opportunity for his private education plan
Debt Talks Episode 3 | How Bad Can It Still Get? Credit Risks, Debt Overhang, and the COVID-19 Recession
WebinarClick to Register | moderated by Moritz Schularick with Megan Greene, Anatole Koletsky and Yueran Ma
Hosted by Private Debt
Oct 20, 2020
What is the current situation in credit markets? Will an overhang of debt on corporate balance sheets slow down the recovery from the COVID recession and be a drag on investment going forward? Does the COVID recession still have the potential to turn into a broader financial meltdown?
Janeway on Ramsey and Keynes: A Comment
Oct 7, 2020
Lance Taylor responds to William Janeway’s essay on John Maynard Keynes and Frank Ramsey. Janeway then offers his response.
The Master and the Prodigy
Sep 22, 2020
INET’s co-founder reviews new books about John Maynard Keynes and Frank Ramsey
Debt Talks Episode 2 | Debt, Wealth, and Racial Inequalities
Webinarmoderated by Moritz Schularick with Mehrsa Baradaran, Ashley C. Harrington, Darrick Hamilton and Louise Seamster
Hosted by Private Debt
Sep 15, 2020
Racial inequalities of wealth and income are pervasive. This episode of Debt Talks will feature a conversation with four prominent experts on the persistence of racial inequalities of wealth and income and the role of financial markets in shaping them.
World War II to Covid-19: Been Here Before and Done Better
Mar 27, 2020
During WWII FDR mobilized private manufacturers to support the war effort. To keep Americans healthy, we need to do the same now for medical equipment
Kari Polanyi Levitt
Feb 26, 2020
Some Personal Reflections on a Half Century of Friendship and Appreciation