Inequality & Distribution
How the FED's QE Contributed to Inequality
Aug 3, 2016
Epstein discusses financial reform, central banking, and how the FED actually contributed to economic inequality.
Modern Monopolies
Jul 21, 2016
With the power of modern computing being harnessed into increasingly small and portable devices, what do digital platforms mean for the entrenched global economy?
How MBA Programs Drive Inequality
Jul 7, 2016
Business school students are taught to extract resources instead of creating value.
Brexit, Trump and the challenge of populism
Jul 6, 2016
What we’re reading: As the shock of the UK referendum vote to leave the European Union continues to roil, a number of analysts see it as revealing dynamics of which all Western policymakers ought to be aware
Spain: The politics of austerity and deflation
Jul 4, 2016
An election has failed to resolve a political deadlock that coincides with long-term economic stagnation
Wealth & Inequality: Back to the Future
Jun 29, 2016
What fraction of total economic growth accrues to the top 10%, top 1%, etc.? How does growth per capita of the bottom 90% compare to overall growth? Zucman discusses his research and efforts to bring more hard data into the inequality dialogue.
How the Brexit Tragedy Challenges Economics
Jun 26, 2016
It would be a tragic mistake to read anti-E.U. sentiment across Europe as simple bigotry — racism and xenophobia are being nurtured by the economic pain produced by prevailing economic policies
There Is a Way to Stop Machines From Making Americans Poorer
Jun 8, 2016
Technology will ruin America if we don’t compensate for its impact, warns Andy Stern.
Should we really be 'learning to love' the robots?
Jun 7, 2016
A response to Arjun Jayadev’s argument about the impact of automation on our work and life
Britain’s EU scorecard, a dissent on China stimulus, and the productivity puzzle
Jun 7, 2016
What we’re reading: A weekly scan of published items relevant to the Institute’s work
What we learn about inequality from Carl Icahn’s $2 billion Apple “no brainer”
Jun 6, 2016
The company’s focus on stock buybacks to increase shareholder value is a reminder of why so much of the value created daily by millions of workers ends up in the hands of the billionaires
How to relax and start loving the robots
Jun 3, 2016
Anxiety over human labor being replaced by cyborgs may be in vogue, but it’s overblown — machines may help us achieve healthier and more meaningful lives
A Teachable Moment for the Economics Profession?
May 27, 2016
What we’re reading: A weekly scan of published items relevant to the Institute’s work
Tunisia in Turmoil: When Supply-Side Orthodoxy Meets an Angry Citizenry
May 23, 2016
Mass protests challenging the government to focus on job-creation rather than on market liberalization and trade deals may carry a cautionary message to Western policy makers, too.
Is Wall Street Doing its Job?
May 20, 2016
What we’re reading: A weekly scan of published items relevant to the Institute’s work