Inequality & Distribution
Why Tax Cuts for the Rich Solve Nothing
Aug 1, 2017
Back-room deals on corporate tax reform won’t increase growth
Working paper
Diversity in Economics: A Gender Analysis of Italian Academic Production
Aug 2017
Economists’ infamous failure at predicting the recent financial crisis has brought new impetus to studies on diversity in the economics profession. Such studies have underlined how diversity plays a prominent role in enriching economic analyses.
YSI Workshop @ 2017 ECLAC Summer School on Latin American Economies
WorkshopJul 24–26, 2017
The YSI Latin America Working Group is hosting a workshop at the United Nations ECLAC Summer School on Latin American economies.
The Retirement Wealth Inequality Machine
Jul 12, 2017
Professor Ghilarducci describes the roadblocks to securing retirement and retirement plans beyond the 401k.
The Economic Case for Single Payer Health Care in the US
Jul 8, 2017
Greater efficiency, lower costs, and universal coverage make it the sustainable option, say some top economists
Mass Incarceration’s Dangerous New Equilibrium
Jun 22, 2017
A new model probes why the US leads the world in jailing and imprisoning people, and what it will take to reverse course
Globalization and the Developing World
YSI Latin America Convening 2017
ConferenceJun 17–21, 2017
The Young Scholars Initiative is hosting its regional convening for Latin America in Mexico City from 17-21 June.
Developing Equality
A discussion with Craig
DiscussionJun 15–16, 2017
This seminar is happening at INET Oxford
YSI Inequality Workshop
Hosted at London School of Economics International Inequalities Institute.
WorkshopJun 12–14, 2017
A workshop hosted by the YSI Inequality Working Group (IWG) will take place from 12-13 June at the London School of Economics in collaboration with the International Inequalities Institute (III).
CFP - The Dimensions of Poverty Conference
Deadline: 31 January 2017
WorkshopJun 7–9, 2017
YSI Working Groups are cooperating with Dimensions of Poverty conference
Trento Festival of Economics
YSI Europe Convening 2017
WorkshopJun 1–4, 2017
The Young Scholars Initiative and its working groups will be hosting meetings and discussions in and around the 2017 Trento Festival of Economics.
The New Normal
May 19, 2017
Demand, Secular Stagnation and the Vanishing Middle-Class
Microfinance & Austerity: No Womens' Empowerment without Community Involvement
May 17, 2017
How austerity policies and microfinance can bankrupt rather than empower women. Professor Girón discusses why microfinance cannot replace development banks.
The Push and Pull of Inequality and Identity
May 3, 2017
Professor Dutt discusses how group identity is key to addressing inequality and how inequality can disrupt group identity.
Inequality, Globalization, and Macroeconomics
ConferenceUSC Dornsife INET presents a conference on inequality, globalization, and macroeconomics
Apr 28–29, 2017
April 28-29, 2017, USC Dornsife INET is hosting a conference on inequality, globalization, and macroeconomics at the University of Southern California. The goal of this conference is to bring together leading researchers to discuss and present new approaches and new results on the relationships between inequality and macroeconomics and between inequality and globalization. Please direct any questions or comments to [email protected].