Inequality & Distribution
How the Stock Market Drives Wealth Inequality
Jul 10, 2019
When the stock market grows faster than the housing market, the gains of the top 1% outpace those of the middle class
Outlook Session: How much debt is too much?
Jun 21, 2019 |
Place-Based Economic Conditions and the Geography of the Opioid Overdose Crisis
Jun 20, 2019
There is not one opioid crisis in America—there are many. And supply-focused measures won’t stop them.
ConferencePrivate Debt Initiative
Hosted by Private Debt
Jun 20–21, 2019
Shaped by the 2008 financial crisis, a new generation of economists is expanding the boundaries of economic thinking on credit cycles, private debt, and financial stability.
The Right to Energy & Carbon Tax: A Game Changer in India
Jun 10, 2019
How free electricity could fight climate change and inequality
Rates of Return on Everything: A New Database
Jun 4, 2019
Returns on wealth exceed growth for more countries, more years, and more dramatically than Piketty has found
INET at the Trento Economics Festival
May 30, 2019
A collection of our research on populism, globalization and nationalism
Why We Need to Think of AI as a Platform
May 22, 2019
Artificial intelligence doesn’t have to be a job killer—if we use it right
Why We Need Inclusive Prosperity
May 15, 2019
The implications of rising inequality are massive. Economists need to tackle it together.
Lance Taylor on Growth, Distribution, and the Future of Capitalism
May 1, 2019
Lance Taylor, Emeritus Professor of Economics at The New School for Social Research, delivers the annual Heilbroner Memorial Lecture on the Future of Capitalism.
Joe Stiglitz: The Challenges Facing China
Mar 6, 2019
The Nobel laureate economist discusses how an activist government is needed to tackle problems like climate change
The Black Woman Economist Who Pioneered a Federal Jobs Guarantee
Feb 22, 2019
Decades before it caught on with other economists, Sadie Alexander was the first economist to recommend a government jobs guarantee in the US
Opioid Crisis Shows How Economic Inequality Kills
Feb 20, 2019
Pharmaceutical pushers like Purdue “couldn’t have done their dirty work” without America’s increasingly unbalanced economy
Working Paper Series
The Contributions of Socioeconomic and Opioid Supply Factors to Geographic Variation in U.S. Drug Mortality Rates
Feb 2019
Economic distress in rural areas and opioid exposure in cities are key indicators of overdose deaths
The Bogus Paper that Gutted Workers’ Rights
Feb 6, 2019
For years, governments in India and much of the developing world have followed the advice of a paper arguing that labor regulations actually hurt workers. The problem? The research was wrong.