Inequality & Distribution
National Strategies, Value Creation, Income Distribution, and the Structure of Careers
Apr 9, 2015 | 06:00—07:30
Inequality or Living Standards: Which Matters More?
Apr 9, 2015
Conference paper
Income Distribution, Rentiers and their Role in a Capitalist Economy: A Keynes-Pasinetti Perspective
Apr 2015
This paper finds its origins in two important developments within mainstream economics since the financial crisis, both of which analyze the economy from the viewpoint of what Schumpeter (1954) referred to as the domain of “real” analysis of a modern market economy in contrast to “monetary” analysis.
The Capital Account, Savings Gluts, and Global Imbalances
Apr 8, 2015 | 07:00—07:30
Budget Deficits, Austerity and Deflation
Apr 8, 2015 | 07:15—07:40
Central Banks & Distribution
Apr 8, 2015 | 10:00—10:30
Inequality and Climate Change
Apr 8, 2015 | 10:15—10:30
Yanis Varoufakis Interviewed by Joseph Stiglitz
Apr 8, 2015 | 09:15—10:00
History and the Theory Of Income Distribution: Some Perspectives
Apr 8, 2015 | 11:00—11:30
Financial Regulation That Might Have a Chance of Working
Apr 8, 2015 | 10:45—11:15
Motivations, Emotions, Decisions
Apr 8, 2015 | 11:15—12:45
Politics by Other Means? Eurozone Institutions and National Sovereignty in the Bank Bailout Negotiations
Apr 8, 2015 | 06:15—06:45
Analyzing Growth & Inequality in the 21st Century
Apr 8, 2015 | 06:45—07:15
Macroeconomic Causes of Inequality
Apr 8, 2015 | 06:30—07:00
Inequality: Claims about Genes
Apr 8, 2015 | 10:30—11:00
Economic Growth & Inequality across Time & Space: Where Has Growth Lead to Equality and Why?
Apr 8, 2015 | 06:00—06:30
Liberté, Égalité, Fragilité
PlenaryApr 8–11, 2015
The Institute for New Economic Thinking held its sixth Annual Conference from April 8 to April 11, 2015, in collaboration with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris.
Thomas Piketty & Joseph Stiglitz on Inequality
Apr 7 - May 7, 2015 | 02:30—06:30
Thomas Piketty and Joseph E. Stiglitz discuss the causes of, consequences of, and remedies for inequality.
Working Paper Series
Household Income, Demand, and Saving: Deriving Macro Data with Micro Data Concepts
Mar 2015
We develop adjustments to align the NIPA measures of key household flows with cash flow concepts that better reflect household budgets and demand.
Conference paper
Income Inequality and Growth: Problems with the Orthodox Approach
Mar 2015
This paper discusses the main issues about increasing inequality, whether it matters and its impact on economic activity and growth. It starts by briefly considering the empirical evidence of the share of income going to the top one percent since 1945 in the advanced countries. It then considers whether this represents an increase in the productivity of the top one percent or merely an extraction of economic rent.
Europe and the Challenge of Re-Starting Growth
Mar 13, 2015
How can we reconnect economic success to socioeconomic outcomes?
Human Capital and Economic Opportunity
The Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group (HCEO) is an interdisciplinary collaboration incorporating biological, sociological and psychological perspectives into traditional economic questions of inequality and human capital.
Political Economy of Distribution
Inequality and distribution—areas underserved by mainstream economics—sit at the heart of The Institute’s work. This program brings together researchers from a variety of disciplines to develop alternative approaches to the problem of inequality.
New Theoretical Perspectives on the Distribution of Income and Wealth Among Individuals
Mar 10, 2015
Can Democracy Survive Aggressive Global Capitalism?
Mar 6, 2015
Rana Dasgupta shares his view of the contradictions and tensions of India’s economic and political scenes.
Drooping Green Shoots
Mar 5, 2015
Conference paper
Rising Inequality, Demand, and Growth in the US Economy
Feb 2015
Working paper
Social Structure, Markets and Inequality
Feb 2015
The interaction between social structure and markets remains a central theme in the social sciences. In some instances, markets can build on and enhance social networks’ economic role; in other contexts, markets appear to be in direct competition with social networks. The impact of markets on inequality and welfare is also varying: while markets can sometimes offer valuable outside options to marginalised individuals, in other situations only well connected and better off individuals can benefit from them.
Working paper
The Labor Market Consequences of Electricity Adoption: Concrete Evidence from the Great Depression
Feb 2015
When the adoption of a new labor‐saving technology increases labor productivity, it is an open question whether the economy adjusts in the medium‐term by decreasing employment or increasing output. This paper studies the effects of cheaper electricity on the labor market during the Great Depression.
The Wealthless Recovery
Feb 16, 2015
What Thomas Piketty and Larry Summers Don’t Tell You About Income Inequality
Feb 4, 2015
Working Paper Series
Labor in the Twenty-First Century: The Top 0.1% and the Disappearing Middle-Class
Jan 2015
The ongoing explosion of the incomes of the richest households and the erosion of middle-class employment opportunities for most of the rest have become integrally related in the now-normal operation of the U.S. economy.
Financial Deregulation: A Question of Efficiency or Distribution?
Jan 13, 2015
How can we better protect Main Street from the externalities of Wall Street?
Behind Europe's Populist Backlash: The Hunger Games of Mainstream Economics
Jan 6, 2015
The turmoil of Brexit and the populist challenge across Europe are consequences of austerity policies that have brought misery to millions of ordinary voters. In this interview first published last January, Servaas Storm warned of the dangers of economic decision making divorced from democracy and from the social consequences of its prescriptions
Years granted:
Collective and Cumulative Careers: Foundations for Sustainable Prosperity
This research project posits that increasing income concentration and erosion of the middle class are interrelated results of a change in the dominant corporate resource-allocation regime from “retain-and-reinvest” to “downsize-and-distribute,” manifested by massive distributions to shareholders and the disappearance of “collective and cumulative” careers.
Years granted:
Central Banks, Crises, and Income Distribution
This research project studies the evolution of monetary policy since the financial crisis, as regards to changes in implementation mechanisms and use of conventional/unconventional instruments of monetary policy, as well as its mpact on macroeconomic variables, including income distribution.
Years granted:
Distributional National Accounts
The objective of this proposal is to build distributional statistics of income and wealth consistent with national accounts aggregates for the United States.
Years granted:
Financial Innovation and Central Banking in China: a Money View
This research project develops a “Money View” analysis of the recent evolution of China’s financial system.
Years granted:
Inequality, Instability, and the Household Balance Sheet Channel
This research project studies the macroeconomic effects of rising inequality by focusing not on top incomes but instead on the economics of the “bottom 99%” which has been squeezed out by rising inequality and falling labor shares.
Years granted:
Causal Analysis in Economics: Philosophical Underpinnings and Econometric Tools for Non-Standard Settings
This research project addresses the problem of inferring causal relationships in economics. It investigates the philosophical roots of the problem and develops econometric tools which take into account the complexity of economic systems.
Years granted:
Archipelago Capitalism: Tax Havens, Eurodollars, and the Other International Political Economy, 1870s-1980s
This research project proposes to revise common interpretations of 20th-century economic history by unearthing the often overlooked story of tax havens and offshore finance, Eurodollars, and export processing zones between the 1870s and 1980s.
Years granted:
2013, 2014, 2015
Does Financialization Contribute to Growing Income Inequality?
This research project explores whether the financialization of the US economy has contributed to rising income inequality through complementary analyses at the individual, firm and industry levels.
Years granted:
Economic Policy and the Performativity of Economic Models: Looking at the Intersection between Theory and Policy
This research project aims at analyzing the role of economic models in economic policy-making. Specifically, we investigate the impact of CGE models, related to the TTIP debate, and potential output models, related to fiscal policy in the EU, on politicial decision-making and public debate.
Years granted:
Income Distribution, Asset Prices, and Aggregate Demand Formation, 1850-2010: A Post-Keynesian Approach to Historical Macroeconomic Data
This research project uses macroeconomic data going back to the mid-19th century to analyze issues such as the relation between income distribution and economic growth; and how debt, asset prices, and growth moved together the last 160 years.
Years granted:
Living Standards, Inequality, and Poverty around the World, 1815-2015: A New Household Budget Approach
This research project lays a foundation for new and better long-run estimates of poverty and inequality around the world through the collection, digitisation, and harmonisation of household budget data.
Years granted:
Secular Stagnation and Persistent Unemployment in the Great Depression: Evidence from Monthly Labor Market Data
This research project deepens our understanding of labor market conditions during the Great Depression by assemling data at the national, state, and industry level for jobs created, jobs destroyed, unemployment, employment, and the labor force.
Years granted:
2013, 2014, 2015
Economic Inequality and Sustainable Transportation Policy
This research project examines how the spatial pattern of inequality in US cities shapes the provision of public transit and more broadly the prospects for a more equitable and sustainable transportation policy.
Years granted:
2014, 2015
Inequalities by Race and Gender in the Earnings of Women of Color
This research project investigates how gender and race affect the earnings of African American, Latina, and Asian American women in the United States over five decades, from 1970 to 2010.
Years granted:
2013, 2014, 2015
Statistical Physics Approach to Income and Wealth Distribution
This research project employs ideas from statistical physics to deal with income and wealth inequality, financial instability, and the distribution of energy consumption around the world.
Working paper
Efficiency and Equilibrium in Network Games: An Experiment
Dec 2014
The tension between efficiency and equilibrium is a central feature of economic systems. In many contexts, social networks mediate this trade-off: an individual’s network position determines equilibrium play, and social relations allow coordination on an efficient norm.
Demystifying Modern Monetary Theory
Dec 27, 2014
Bill Mitchell presents a coherent analysis of how money is created, how it functions in global exchange rate regimes, and how the mystification of the nature of money has constrained governments, and prevented states from acting in the public interest.
New Theoretical Perspectives on the Distribution of Income and Wealth Among Individuals
Dec 17, 2014
The recently observed surge in wealth doesn’t equate to growth of productive capital. Joseph E. Stiglitz, Branko Milanovic, Paul Krugman and Duncan Foley discuss these issues and more.
Stiglitz: Economics Has to Come to Terms with Wealth and Income Inequality
Dec 15, 2014
Working Paper Series
Skill Development and Sustainable Prosperity: Cumulative and Collective Careers versus Skill-Biased Technical Change
Dec 2014
There is widespread and growing concern about the availability of good jobs in the U.S. economy. Inequality has been growing for thirty years and is now at levels not seen since the 1920s. Stable and remunerative employment has become harder for U.S. workers to find.
Income and Wealth Distribution in Germany: A Macroeconomic Perspective
Oct 26, 2014
Household economic surveys, such as the German Socio-Economic Panel, notoriously underestimate the degree of income and wealth inequality at the upper end of the distribution.
Working Paper Series
Inequality, the Great Recession, and Slow Recovery
Oct 2014
Rising inequality reduced income growth for the bottom 95 percent of the US personal income distribution beginning about 1980.
What Apple Should Do with Its Massive Piles of Money
Oct 19, 2014
An Open Letter to Tim Cook, CEO of Apple
Numbers Show Apple Shareholders Have Already Gotten Plenty
Oct 16, 2014
Apple should be returning profits to workers who have invested their time and effort into generating its products and to taxpayers who have funded the investments in the physical infrastructure and human knowledge so critical to Apple’s success.
How Financialization Leads To Income Inequality
Oct 16, 2014
The paper referenced in this post, “Financialization and U.S. Income Inequality, 1970–2008,” recently was awarded the 2014 Outstanding Article Award from the Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility section of the American Sociological Association.
Working paper
Community Networks and the Process of Development
Sep 2014
Anyone who has spent time in a developing country knows the importance of social connections. Among their many roles, these connections help individuals land jobs, and provide them with credit and other forms of support.
New Research Shows Pollution Inequality in America is Even Worse Than Income Inequality
Sep 28, 2014
All Together Now?: Inequality and Growth in US Metro Areas
Sep 10, 2014
With the publication of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century, the American public has become increasingly concerned about the scale and impact of inequality in economic life.
Top incomes and the glass ceiling
Jul 17, 2014
The glass ceiling is typically examined in terms of the distribution of earnings. This column discusses the glass ceiling in the gender distribution of total incomes, including self-employment and capital income. Evidence from Canada and the UK shows we are still far from equality. Though the proportion of women in the top 1% has been rising, the progress is slower, almost non-existent, at the very top of the distribution.
Azim Premji Summer School 2014
WorkshopJun 30–Jul 6, 2014
India has for the last twenty years been undergoing a rapid and abiding structural shift in its pattern of development. The transformation of the economy from the period of the license raj to the post liberalization era has wrought many changes, with somewhat ambiguous implications.
Inequality and the Future of Capitalism
Jun 25, 2014
The Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) organises its 18th annual conference on Inequality and the Future of Capitalism with introductory lectures on heterodox economics for graduate students.
Piketty Responds in Detail to FT Criticism
May 29, 2014
Working Paper Series
Who Invests in the High-Tech Knowledge Base?
May 2014
A nation must accumulate a high-tech knowledge base to prosper.
The Triumph of the Rentier?
May 2014
Thomas Piketty vs. Luigi Pasinetti and John Maynard Keynes
Working Paper Series
Wage Increases, Transfers, and the Socially Determined Income Distribution in the USA
Apr 2014
This paper is based on a social accounting matrix (SAM) which incorporates the size distribution of income based on data from the BEA national accounts, the widely discussed 2012 CBO distribution study, and BLS consumer surveys.
Working Paper Series
Three Measures of Environmental Inequality
Apr 2014
Using data on industrial air pollution exposure in the United States, we compute three measures of environmental inequality: the Gini coefficient of exposure, the ratio of median exposure of minorities to that of non-Hispanic whites, and the ratio of median exposure of poor households to that of nonpoor households.
A Fight Over Inequality: The 5% Vs. The Rest
Apr 29, 2014
In late 2007, the United States started feeling the effects of the Great Recession. And over the ensuing two years the economic disaster spread across the globe.
Innovation and Inequality: Cause or Cure
Apr 11, 2014 | 11:00—12:30
Conference paper
Leveling the Playing Field From College To Career
Apr 2014
In the United States achieving equal opportunity in postsecondary education is typically described in terms of enrolling more underrepresented groups into the selective colleges. The belief is that if this step is accomplished it will have a fundamental impact on the problem of inequality at the national level. However, what if there are not enough places in selective colleges to accomplish this goal? What if the selective colleges do not have enough capacity to make a significant impact in the problem of serving students from underrepresented groups withdemonstrated high abilities?
Conference paper
Vague Hopes, Active Aspirations and Equality
Apr 2014
The term human capital describes a set of skills, strengths and know-how that are valuable—both in the narrow sense of being “commercially valuable” (Lindsey, 2013), and the wider one of contributing to a flourishing, deliberate, purposeful life.As Heckman (2014) puts it: “Skills are capacities to act [emphasis added]…They shapeexpectations, constraints, and information” (p. 6).
Education and Human Development: What are the Questions?
Apr 11, 2014 | 09:00—10:45
Conference paper
Pressures on Pensions
Apr 2014
Debate about the pension crises has centered on certain questions such as: Are greedy government workers bankrupting states? Arepension-slashing politicians backed by big money saving the day? Or do the budget problems of state and localgovernments have more to do with wasteful corporate subsidies than pensions? What are the real policy solutions to the pressures placed on pensions?”
Explorations in New Economic Thinking
Apr 10, 2014 | 11:00—12:30
Pressures on Pensions
Apr 10, 2014 | 07:00—08:30
What Are the Moral Limits of Markets?
Apr 10, 2014
In recent decades, market values have crowded out non- market norms in almost every aspect of life—medicine, education, government, law, art, sports, even family life and personal relations. Without quite realizing it, we have drifted from having a market economy to being a market society. Is this where we want to be?
What Are the Moral Limits of Markets?
Apr 10, 2014 | 03:15—05:00
Human After All
PlenaryApr 10–12, 2014
The Institute for New Economic Thinking joined the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) in holding its fifth Annual Conference from April 10 to April 12, 2014 in Toronto.
Do Private Returns Produce the Social Returns We Need?
Apr 9, 2014 | 10:00—11:30
Kapital for the Twenty-First Century?
Mar 30, 2014
What is “capital”? To Karl Marx, it was a social, political, and legal category—the means of control of the means of production by the dominant class. Capital could be money, it could be machines; it could be fixed and it could be variable. But the essence of capital was neither physical nor financial. It was the power that capital gave to capitalists, namely the authority to make decisions and to extract surplus from the worker.
Working Paper Series
Crisis and Recovery in the German Economy: The Real Lessons
Mar 2014
Owing to its strong dependence on exports, Germany was among the economies hit hardest by the financial crisis.
The Chartbook of Economic Inequality
Mar 18, 2014
We are not “all in it together.”
Working Paper Series
Unemployment and Innovation
Jan 2014
This paper analyzes equilibrium, dynamics, and optimal decisions on the factor bias of innovation in a model of induced innovation.
Years granted:
2012, 2013, 2014
The Long Run History of Economic Inequality: Income, Wealth and Financial Crisis
This research project establishes a long-run global picture of economic inequality as revealed by fiscal records and analyzes the long-run drivers of inequality as well as the distributional impact of banking crises.
Years granted:
2012, 2013, 2014
Just Growth? Social Equity and Metropolitan Economic Performance
This research project incorporates recent US data to update empirical analyses of regional growth and utilizes case study strategies of American regions to investigate the underlying causal mechanisms of inequality.
Years granted:
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Hierarchy, Identity, and Collective Action
This research project explores the interaction between group identities and decisions to engage in collective action to secure access to public goods, such as education.
Years granted:
2012, 2013, 2014
Lifecycle Human Capital Investment, Borrowing Constraints, and Risk
This research project designs and evaluates new strategies that can address the issues of financing human capital investments by developing and estimating a unified framework.
Years granted:
2013, 2014
Income Inequality, Household Debt, and Current Account Imbalances
This research project analyzes the country-specific effects of inequality within a stock-flow consistent macro model and within a DSGE model with heterogeneous and interacting households.
Conference paper
Income Distribution and the Current Account: A Sectoral Perspective
Dec 2013
We analyse the link between income distribution and the current account for the period 1972-2007. We find that rising (top-end) personal inequality leads to a decrease of the current account, ceteris paribus.
[PART 1] U.S. Current Account Deficits and German Surpluses: The Role of Income Distribution in Global Imbalances
Nov 25, 2013
Germany’s economic policies are under attack from all sides.
[PART 2] U.S. Current Account Deficits and German Surpluses: The Role of Income Distribution in Global Imbalances
Nov 6, 2013
In our two papers, we analyze how changes in personal and functional (wages versus profits) income distribution interact to produce different macroeconomic outcomes in different countries. On the basis of a stock-flow consistent model calibrated for the United States, Germany, and China, simulations suggest that a substantial part of the increase in household debt and the decrease in the current account in the United States since the early 1980s can be explained by the interplay of rising (top-end) household income inequality and certain institutions (e.g. easy access to credit, privately financed education and health care systems).
Grantee paper
Income Distribution and Current Account Imbalances
Oct 2013
We develop a three-country, stock-flow consistent macroeconomic model to study the effects of changes in both personal and functional income distribution on national current account balances.
Human Capital and Economic Inequality
Oct 21, 2013
Inequalities in skills are fundamentally linked to economic and social inequalities.
What is Economic Success?
Oct 11, 2013
“You are now leaving the world as you know it.”
Inequality – It’s Bad…And It’s About to Get Way Worse
Sep 12, 2013
What’s behind rapidly worsening inequality in the United States?
The Good Life The Challenge of Progress in China Today
ConferenceSep 7–8, 2013
Every nation faces the challenge of imagining what a good life means. Sound nutrition, shelter, health care, personal safety, social stability, security of savings, clean air and water, and the development of children are among the elements of what many envision as vital to a happy and healthy society.
The Long Battle For A Living Wage Goes On
Aug 30, 2013
The battle for a living wage for the nation’s poorest workers is set against the backdrop of mass unemployment and the highest level of economic inequality in the U.S. in almost a century.