Inequality & Distribution
Working Paper Series
Race to the Bottom: Low Productivity, Market Power, and Lagging Wages
Aug 2018
“Dualism” in the structure of production across sectors of the US economy, employment by sector, productivity levels and growth, real wages, and intersectoral terms-of trade increased markedly between 1990 and 2016.
Rethinking Social Progress in the 21st Century
Aug 14, 2018
A new report examines the path to global social progress. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers
The Gay Wage Penalty—and Premium
Aug 1, 2018
Gay men earn 20% less than straight men, but gay women earn up to 20% more than straight women. Why?
America’s White Collar Middle Class Takes a Terrifying Slide Down the Mobility Ladder
Jul 24, 2018
Alissa Quart’s new book chronicles the pain of a disgruntled class that could change the country’s political landscape.
YSI Latin America Convening
Regional ConveningJul 19–21, 2018
Young Scholars based in Latin America are invited to convene in Buenos Aires. The event serves to strengthen the Latin American network of new economic thinkers pursuing a new economic paradigm. Attendees will be able to enjoy several partner events during the same week.
Why We Need a Federal Jobs Guarantee
Jul 11, 2018
13 million people looking for living wage work is not a “full employment” economy
Italy’s Crisis Is the Left’s Crisis
Jun 22, 2018
When politics is defined in terms of “populism” vs. “the mainstream,” the possibility for real economic reform is diminished.
A Poetic Challenge to Global Capitalism That Will Rend Your Heart
Jun 21, 2018
Edoardo Nesi’s new book tracks the destructive march of globalization and neoliberal capitalism through his own life and the places, like Italy, that lie broken in its wake.
The Dismal Science and the Beautiful Game
Jun 20, 2018
A light-hearted economic analysis of the World Cup
Who Says Labor Laws Are “Luxuries”?
Jun 11, 2018
The World Bank and IMF say developing economies can’t afford to have strong labor laws. Actually, they can’t afford not to.
Working Paper Series
Labor Institutions and Development Under Globalization
Jun 2018
Labor market regulation is a controversial area of public policy in both developed and developing countries.
YSI Europe Convening
Regional ConveningMay 31–Jun 3, 2018
As in previous years, young scholars will come together in Trento during the annual Festival dell’Economia. This gathering will serve as the YSI Europe Convening for 2018. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their work with YSI members from across Europe, while also partaking in the Festival dell’Economia.
Conference paper
Capitalism in the age of robots: work, income and wealth in the 21st-century
May 2018
Adair Turner, Chair of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Lecture at School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC April 10th 2018
How Bill Cosby, Obama and Mega-preachers Sold Economic Snake Oil to Black America
May 2, 2018
It’s time to connect political violence with economic violence.
The Real Driver of Rising Inequality
May 1, 2018
Wage suppression—not monopoly power—is fueling corporate profits and the growing gap between rich and poor
Working Paper Series
Where Do Profits and Jobs Come From? Employment and Distribution in the US Economy
May 2018
“Meso” level analysis of 16 producing sectors sheds light on broad forces shaping growth of employment and profits.
How to Grow the Economy While Reducing Inequality
Apr 27, 2018
For the BRICS countries to not just grow their economies but also raise the standard of living of their people, inclusive growth that prioritizes poverty reduction is a must
Analysing Wealth Inequality: A Conceptual Reflection
Apr 2018
As early as 1900, German sociologist Georg Simmel identified a central feature of wealth in his seminal work The Philosophy of Money. Simmel writes about the superadditum of wealth for the rich, namely that a great fortune is encircled by innumerable possibilities of use, as though by an astral body.
Learning from MLK, the Inconvenient Hero
Apr 4, 2018
The vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 50 years later, and the relevance of his economic ideas today
Call for Papers
Mar 19 - 24, 2018 |
Visions Beyond the Haunted House
Mar 14, 2018
Reflections on the Radical Vision of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Last Major Speech
What Piketty Missed in Measuring Wealth
Mar 1, 2018
Despite assembling a formidable data set and leveling a bold argument, Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century has theoretical and accounting flaws that distort its central findings
Stock Buybacks Hurt Workers and the Economy. We Should Ban Them.
Feb 27, 2018
Workers, innovation, and productivity all suffer when corporations spend their new U.S. tax breaks on stock buybacks.
With Official Unemployment This Low, Why Are Wages Rising So Slowly?
Feb 26, 2018
By pushing workers into precarious, part-time work, “Third Way” governments of the past 20 years helped to create the disturbing economic trend that’s vexing orthodox economists
INET Research in a Stressful Year
Feb 23, 2018
In the face of laissez-faire capitalism at home and resurgent nationalism across the globe, INET offers an innovative look at the causes of—and solutions for—the problems that ail a fissuring world economy.
How Music Helped James Baldwin Make Sense of Inequality
Feb 21, 2018
Ed Pavlić discusses the role of music in communicating suffering and resistance in the African-American experience
Don't Want a Robot to Replace You? Study Tolstoy.
Feb 20, 2018
Economist Morton Schapiro, president of Northwestern University, and his colleague, literary critic and Slavic studies scholar Saul Morson, argue that—contrary to popular belief—studying the humanities is the key to not getting outsourced.
When Demand Shapes Supply
Feb 11, 2018
Contrary to the neoclassical model’s assumptions, shifts in aggregate demand have persistent effects on GDP
Working Paper Series
Persistent Effects of Autonomous Demand Expansions
Feb 2018
The prevailing wisdom that aggregate demand ‘shocks’ determine short-run cyclical fluctuations around a supply-determined equilibrium growth rate and an associated equilibrium unemployment rate (or NAIRU) has been called into question by various streams of literature in the last decades. Specifically, a recently revived literature on hysteresis finds significant persistence in the effects of recessions and negative aggregate demand shocks (Blanchard et al. 2015; Martin et al. 2015).
Washington Post: Don’t Let Pay Increases Coming Out of Tax Reform Fool You
Feb 6, 2018
In their op-ed in the Washington Post, INET grantee William Lazonick and Rick Wartzman show how companies are spending their tax savings on investors, not workers.
Why Cities Are Key to Escaping Poverty
Jan 31, 2018
There’s no turning back from humanity’s move to high-density living, says Ed Glaeser. The task of the century will be making cities more liveable.
Why Big Firms No Longer Pay (Much) More
Jan 28, 2018
The corporate titans of yore once offered a sizable wage premium over smaller employers—but not anymore. What happened?
Working Paper Series
Inequality in the 21st century
Jan 2018
A critical analysis of Piketty’s work
How Black Businesses Helped Save the Civil Rights Movement
Jan 15, 2018
Behind towering figures like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. were the taxi dispatchers, pharmacists, grocers, and other small business owners who were instrumental in making civil rights a reality.
Working Paper Series
Lending a Hand: How Small Black Businesses Supported the Civil Rights Movement
Jan 2018
A large literature has detailed the seminal roles played in the Civil Rights Movement by activists, new political organizations, churches, and philanthropies. But black-owned businesses also provided a behind-the-scenes foundation for the movement’s success.
How to Rewrite the Rules of Globalization
Jan 10, 2018
How did globalization create such discontent in developed and developing countries alike? Nobel laureate and INET grantee Joseph Stiglitz explains in this 150th episode of our “New Economic Thinking” video series.
Why Stopping Tax “Reform” Won’t Stop Inequality
Dec 15, 2017
Inequality isn’t driven by taxes—it’s driven by the power of capital in relation to workers
Conference paper
Inequality and Aggregate Demand
Dec 2017
We explore the transmission mechanism of income inequality to output.
Explaining a Decade of Stagnation: Where Do We Go From Here?
Dec 14, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion with Steven M. Fazzari, INET Grantee and the Bert A. & Jeanette L. Lynch Distinguished Professor of Economics, Washington University.
World Economic Roundtable
DiscussionExplaining a Decade of Stagnation: Where Do We Go From Here?
Dec 14, 2017
The World Economic Roundtable seeks to help the business, investment, and policy communities understand ongoing changes in the world economy and to promote a discussion of ideas that can advance the goal of a widely shared global prosperity.
Nothing Natural About the Natural Rate of Unemployment
Nov 24, 2017
With unemployment reaching very low levels in major economies, despite low – and slowly rising – inflation, it’s time for central banks to rethink their reliance on the so-called natural rate. No numerical target for this rate can serve as an anchor for monetary policy.
How Despair Helped Drive Trump to Victory
Nov 16, 2017
From the Rust Belt to Rural America, Economic and Social Distress Helped Shape the 2016 US Presidential Election Outcome
Redefining Inequality
Nov 8, 2017
As the old lines continue to blur, what does inequality mean in the modern global economy? And, how does the economy need to evolve to address these changes?
Core Fractures and International Relations
Oct 23, 2017 | 04:30
As dual economies transform countries, how does world politics adjust?
Conference paper
Dualism and Economic Stagnation
Oct 2017
Can a Policy of Guaranteed Basic Income Return Mature Market Economies to les Trente Glorieuses?
Conference paper
Wealth Creation and the Entrepreneurial State
Oct 2017
Building symbiotic public-private partnerships
Reversing Dual Economies?
Oct 23, 2017 | 11:00
What can policy do to remedy the spread of dual economies in the developed world?
Why Do Estimates of Immigration's Economic Effects Clash So Sharply?
Oct 22, 2017 | 03:30
Untangling the Facts about Immigration in the World Economy.
James Heckman on Intergenerational Issues
Oct 22, 2017 | 05:15
Taking the Con Out of Economics? The Limits of Negative Darwinism
Oct 22, 2017 | 12:00
What Do Citations Actually Measure in Economics and How Should Economic Journals and Department Review Committees Use This Data?
Redefining Inequality
Oct 22, 2017 | 06:30
As the old lines continue to shift, what does inequality mean in the modern global economy? And, how does the economy need to evolve to address these changes?
Nobel Laureates to Co-Chair Independent Commission on Global Economy
Oct 22, 2017
Joseph Stiglitz, Michael Spence and a global team of leading thinkers are calling for new thinking & new rules for the world economy
Conference paper
The Vanishing Middle Class: The Growth of a Dual Economy
Oct 2017
Growing income inequality is threatening the American middle class, and the middle class is vanishing before our eyes. We are still one country, but the stretch of incomes is fraying the unity of our nation.
Conference paper
The Precariat under Rentier Capitalism
Oct 2017
The Precariat under Rentier Capitalism Guy Standing We are in the midst of a Global Transformation, analogous to Karl Polanyi’s Great Transformation described in his seminal 1944 book. Whereas Polanyi’s Transformation was about constructing national market systems, today’s is about the painful construction of a global market system. To use Polanyi’s term, the ‘dis-embedded’ phase has been dominated by an ideology of market liberalisation, commodification and privatisation, orchestrated by financial interests, as in his model. The similarities also extend to today’s fundamental challenge, how to construct a ‘re-embedded’ phase, with new systems of regulation, distribution and social protection.
Conference paper
Explaining Dualism in a Gender Perspective: Gender, Class and the Crisis
Oct 2017
In the economic literature, several scholars have addressed the narrative of a two-stage European crisis. In a first stage, the so-called “he-cession”, men would have been hit the most by the economic recession induced by the financial crisis. Shortly thereafter, in the “she-austerity” stage, women would have suffered the heaviest burdens of the fiscal retrenchment measures. If that were the case, the policy response to the crisis would be producing an increase in the – already high pre-existing – gender inequality.
The Growth of a Dual Economy
Oct 21, 2017 | 05:00
“Dual Economy” models were developed to explain growth in the developing world. Now they appear necessary to comprehend the high income trap that afflicts the world’s most developed economies.
PlenaryFrom the Origins of Economic Ideas to the Challenges of Our Time
Oct 21–23, 2017
INET gathered hundreds of new economic thinkers in Edinburgh to discuss the past, present, and future of the economics profession.
Festival for New Economic Thinking
ConferenceOct 19–20, 2017
The Festival for New Economic Thinking is a collaborative initiative of several organizations, and aims to bring together those who seek to improve how economics is taught, studied and practiced.
How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators
Oct 5, 2017
The Idea That Businesses Exist Solely to Enrich Shareholders Is Harmful Nonsense
Puerto Rico Is Getting Squeezed, and It Will Cost All of Us
Sep 12, 2017
The path of austerity could spread economic pain and social woes far beyond the Caribbean island, says public debt expert Martin Guzman
Is Poverty More Worrying than Inequality?
Sep 6, 2017
Xavier Gabaix argues that public policies should prioritize alleviating deprivation at the bottom over narrowing the rich-poor gap
How Elite Financial Networks Rule the World
Aug 30, 2017
Personal connections are key to understanding concentrations of wealth and power
How About that Looming Robotic Job Apocalypse?
Aug 16, 2017
Why we should worry about job quality, not quantity—or robot overlords
Surprise: The 1% Is Overrepresented in the Ivy League
Aug 11, 2017
New research shows that access to elite colleges varies by parents’ income—reinforcing inequality across generations
Why Tax Cuts for the Rich Solve Nothing
Aug 1, 2017
Back-room deals on corporate tax reform won’t increase growth
Working paper
Diversity in Economics: A Gender Analysis of Italian Academic Production
Aug 2017
Economists’ infamous failure at predicting the recent financial crisis has brought new impetus to studies on diversity in the economics profession. Such studies have underlined how diversity plays a prominent role in enriching economic analyses.
YSI Workshop @ 2017 ECLAC Summer School on Latin American Economies
WorkshopJul 24–26, 2017
The YSI Latin America Working Group is hosting a workshop at the United Nations ECLAC Summer School on Latin American economies.
The Retirement Wealth Inequality Machine
Jul 12, 2017
Professor Ghilarducci describes the roadblocks to securing retirement and retirement plans beyond the 401k.
The Economic Case for Single Payer Health Care in the US
Jul 8, 2017
Greater efficiency, lower costs, and universal coverage make it the sustainable option, say some top economists
Mass Incarceration’s Dangerous New Equilibrium
Jun 22, 2017
A new model probes why the US leads the world in jailing and imprisoning people, and what it will take to reverse course
Globalization and the Developing World
YSI Latin America Convening 2017
ConferenceJun 17–21, 2017
The Young Scholars Initiative is hosting its regional convening for Latin America in Mexico City from 17-21 June.
Developing Equality
A discussion with Craig
DiscussionJun 15–16, 2017
This seminar is happening at INET Oxford
YSI Inequality Workshop
Hosted at London School of Economics International Inequalities Institute.
WorkshopJun 12–14, 2017
A workshop hosted by the YSI Inequality Working Group (IWG) will take place from 12-13 June at the London School of Economics in collaboration with the International Inequalities Institute (III).
CFP - The Dimensions of Poverty Conference
Deadline: 31 January 2017
WorkshopJun 7–9, 2017
YSI Working Groups are cooperating with Dimensions of Poverty conference
Trento Festival of Economics
YSI Europe Convening 2017
WorkshopJun 1–4, 2017
The Young Scholars Initiative and its working groups will be hosting meetings and discussions in and around the 2017 Trento Festival of Economics.
The New Normal
May 19, 2017
Demand, Secular Stagnation and the Vanishing Middle-Class
Microfinance & Austerity: No Womens' Empowerment without Community Involvement
May 17, 2017
How austerity policies and microfinance can bankrupt rather than empower women. Professor Girón discusses why microfinance cannot replace development banks.
The Push and Pull of Inequality and Identity
May 3, 2017
Professor Dutt discusses how group identity is key to addressing inequality and how inequality can disrupt group identity.
Inequality, Globalization, and Macroeconomics
ConferenceUSC Dornsife INET presents a conference on inequality, globalization, and macroeconomics
Apr 28–29, 2017
April 28-29, 2017, USC Dornsife INET is hosting a conference on inequality, globalization, and macroeconomics at the University of Southern California. The goal of this conference is to bring together leading researchers to discuss and present new approaches and new results on the relationships between inequality and macroeconomics and between inequality and globalization. Please direct any questions or comments to [email protected].
America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People
Apr 20, 2017
A new book by economist Peter Temin finds that the U.S. is no longer one country, but dividing into two separate economic and political worlds
PhD Workshop at the Fourth Nordic Post-Keynesian Conference
WorkshopApr 19–21, 2017
The YSI Keynesian Economics Working Group is co-hosting a PhD seminar at the Nordic Post-Keynesian Conference entitled “Economics at the Edge”.
The Moral Burden on Economists
Apr 13, 2017
In his 2017 presidential address to the National Economic Association, Professor Darrick Hamilton warned that treating economics as a morally neutral ‘science’, and the discipline’s limited attention to structural barriers and overemphasis individual agency, has resulted in bad economics, and bad policy particularly as it relates to racial disparity.
DiscussionApr 13–15, 2017
Questions to Consider on Robots and Jobs
Apr 6, 2017
Despite dismissive comments by the U.S. Treasury Secretary, facing the challenge posed by robotics replacing human labor raises key public policy questions
The Outskirts of Hope: Poverty in America
Apr 4, 2017
The “War on Poverty,” and the impact of public policy
A Public Comment on the SEC Pay Ratio Disclosure Rule
Mar 29, 2017
In this comment, we explain our objections to the SEC’s current formulation of the Pay Ratio Disclosure Rule on each of three grounds: the erroneous estimation of CEO pay; the unclear specification of the “median” worker; and the risk of normalizing a pay ratio that is far too high. Then we present the latest data on the remuneration of the 500 highest-paid CEOs in the United States, demonstrating the way in which the SEC’s measure of CEO pay that enters into the CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio tends to systematically underestimate actual executive pay.
How & Why Government, Universities, & Industry Create Domestic Labor Shortages of Scientists & High-Tech Workers
Mar 28, 2017
Long term labor shortages do not happen naturally in market economies.
Working paper
How & Why Government, Universities, & Industry Create Domestic Labor Shortages of Scientists & High-Tech Workers
Mar 2017
Long term labor shortages do not happen naturally in market economies. That is not to say that they don’t exist. They are created when employers or government agencies tamper with the natural functioning of the wage mechanism.
Mortality Crisis Redux: The Economics of Despair
Mar 27, 2017
The health crisis afflicting working-class Americans recalls similar symptoms in Russia following the collapse of communism
The Debate Over Taxing Robots in Context
Mar 24, 2017
Taxing the use of robotics may or may not be the answer, but the question remains how to compensate for the growing inequality created by our changing economies
Women Foot the Bill for Economic Growth, Parity Requires Social Investment
Mar 22, 2017
Pursuing equality while growing the economy requires reframing social spending as a form of investment.
The Mechanical Turn in Economics and Its Consequences
Mar 20, 2017
In the age of Adam Smith, an economics that masqueraded as natural science and excluded the human condition actually suited the interests of the landed and the wealthy
Membership Theory of Inequality
Mar 15, 2017
A transition from the conventional policy of “redistributing income” to “redistributing membership”, could promote economic integration across communities and intergenerational mobility.
Debating Household Debt
Mar 8, 2017
INET grantee JW Mason has been engaged in an important debate with the Financial Times’ Matthew Klein over the relationship of household debt to income inequality
Meaningful Work: A Radical Proposal
Mar 8, 2017
To mark International Women’s Day, Neva Goodwin argues that the crisis of income insecurity and longstanding gender inequality require a form of universal basic income that recognizes and rewards the value of household labor
Dismantling Public Education: Turning Ideology into Gold
Mar 1, 2017
Policies based on faith in the “market” as a principle of social organization have wrought havoc with a founding principle of American democracy
China's Wage Growth: How Fast Is the Gain and What Does It Mean?
Feb 28, 2017
New findings show that hourly wage-rates in China are higher than in middle-income countries and are approaching the levels of Greece and Portugal
INET Guide to the 2017 EEA Meeting
ConferenceFeb 23–26, 2017
A reference guide to all Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) community presentations at the Eastern Economic Association’s (EEA) 2017 annual meeting
How the Economics of the Economics Profession Resists New Thinking
Feb 22, 2017
Following a thought-provoking panel discussion at the AEA, James Heckman and Rob Johnson discuss peer-reviewed journals and a professional incentive structure that constricts the idea space and reinforces tired orthodoxies in economics.
Race Has a Regional Dimension in America’s Political Economy
Feb 20, 2017
Stanford economic historian Professor Gavin Wright, addressing the Institute’s conference on the economics of race, argues that the conditions facing the children of the great migration from the South are very different to the conditions for the children of those who stayed behind.